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Release Notes

Stay updated with the latest news on feature releases, enhancements, bug fixes, and more,
made in various Catalyst services, components, and developer environments.

All Release Notes

New Features
Bug Fixes
New Solution

2024 - December

New Features

  • Create different models like text analytics, recommendations, and time series forecasting models using the new Create Pipeline Wizard.

  • Introducing the flagship Classic builder and smart builders to create ML pipelines.

    • Classic builder provides open access to all nodes in the builder to create custom pipelines,while smart builder is a prebuilt pipeline template with fixed preprocessing data, ML operations, and algorithms to reduce the complexity in building pipelines and models.
    • While the Classic builder is available for data, prediction, text analytics and recommendation pipeline types, the smart builder is introduced only for text analytics and time series forecasting pipeline types.
      • For text analytics, the prebuilt pipeline template includes the fixed data pre-process, extraction operations, and algorithms.
      • For time series Forecasting, the pipeline template includes fixed data operations and algorithms.

You can now generate a profile for the whole dataset at any stage in the pipeline builder, in addition to a profile for sample data. This ensures that an accurate dataset profile is maintained throughout, streamlining data flow across stages and minimizing discrepancies.

All classification models now provide likelihood scores for their prediction responses, offering probabilistic estimates. This helps users understand the confidence level of predictions.


Auto-save pipeline on successful stage execution Builder UI visual enhancements Datasets can now be deleted without affecting the pipelines, models, or endpoints built upon them. They will remain live in QuickML, even after the associated datasets are removed.

Bug Fix

Implemented bug fixes to enhance overall security. Resolved various minor UI issues for a smoother user experience.


The production and development environments for QuickML, previously part of Catalyst Environments, are no longer available as of this release.

2024 - July


  • The ability to generate automated pipelines using AutoML feature is now enabled for all the users.
  • The configuration for periodic sync frequency now includes enhanced support for custom intervals, allowing you to specify the frequency in both hours and minutes.
  • Feature importance, which explains the significance of each feature in the predictions, is now available on the Model Details page.
  • Model explanation, which explains the influence of each feature on the final prediction result, is available in the endpoint details page.
  • QuickML is now available in Spanish (ES), French (FR), and Japanese (JP), expanding language support as part of our internationalization efforts

Data import:

  • The maximum file size for imports has been increased to 1GB.
  • The periodic import capability for CRM, Bigin, and Recruit has been enhanced, allowing the import of up to 1 million records.
  • Support for file upload/import now includes Excel formats: XLS, XLSX, and XLSM.

Data transformation operations:

  • GroupBy and Fill Column Operations: Now support multiple columns.
  • Select Column Dropdown: Enhanced dropdowns across all operations with Select All and Deselect All buttons, allowing for bulk operations Additionally, dropdowns now display both the column name and its data type.
  • New Operations: Custom Expression and Rename Column operations have been added.

Keyboard shortcuts: New keyboard shortcuts have been introduced for both Windows and Mac users to enhance the usage and experience in the Pipeline Builder.

  • Control + C / Command + C = Copy
  • Control + V / Command + V = Paste
  • Control + X / Command + X / Delete (Mac) = Delete
  • Control + Z / Command + Z = Undo
  • Control + Shift + Z / Command + Shift + Z = Redo
  • F1 = Help link for Catalyst docs

Bug Fix

Implemented bug fixes to enhance overall security: Improved performance and efficiency of visualization code. Streamlined and improved the data cleanup process. Resolved various minor UI issues for a smoother user experience.


Cross Validation Metrics Generation in QuickML: The test-train split field has been removed. An 80-20 split is now used by default.


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.6: We have published a new patch version v1.17.6 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Bug Fixes: Fixes were made in the catalyst serve command’s execution that created a ports range collision when more than ten functions of the same flavour where served.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.17.6

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in adding collaborators and users through Catalyst Mail: We have made bug fixes to ensure that you can now add users and collaborators using their email address in Catalyst Mail, even if their email address contains mixed case (upper and lower case) characters.

2024 - April


Updates in Catalyst Budgets: With effect from 1 April, 2024 you can no longer create budgets in Catalyst based on credits. This change is in accordance with the new pricing system implemented in Catalyst. All existing users and new users will now be able to create their budgets only with the amount units. Additionally, for the users opting for the subcription pricing model, budgets will be auto-created based on their subscription plan.


Updates in Catalyst Pricing: Catalyst has deprecated its old pricing system for all users with effect from 1 April, 2024. Earlier, users that had signed up to Catalyst before 1 Jan, 2024, were being billed based on the old pricing system that followed only a pay-as-you-go pricing model with amounts and credits as the pricing units. Now, the new pricing system with two pricing models- pay-as-you-go and subcription- will be applicable for all existing users and new users that sign up in the future.


Updates in API Metrics: We have now enhanced the metrics data provided for your API usage in Catalyst Metrics. Earlier the API metrics displayed the Number of API Calls by Status Code, which is now removed. Instead, you can view the Frequency of API Calls Triggered as a bar graph for different request methods by selecting them from a drop-down. The Platform-wise API Calls is also removed, and the Total Number of API Calls is now depicted in a bar-graph format.


Extension of ZCQL API V1 support : We have now further extended the ZCQL V1 parser support from March 31, 2024 to April 30, 2024. We recommend you to migrate your existing codebase to ZCQL API v2 before the end of support. Refer to our announcements page for more details.


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.5: We have published a new patch version v1.17.5 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Enhancements: We have now made the –org <org_id> option as optional while using the -p | –project <name_or_project_id> optional. Earlier, it was mandatory. Now, if the –org option is not used with the -p or –project option, the default organization will be considered for the command execution.

Bug Fixes: Fixes were made in the catalyst serve command’s execution that threw a “Cannot copy ‘<relative-path>’ to a subdirectory of itself” error while executing in the default watch mode.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.5

2024 - March

New Features

Introducing OpenAI Integration in Catalyst: Catalyst introduces a brand-new feature, Zia AI Assistant, that operates on an integration with OpenAI. Zia AI Assistant is available in your Catalyst console independent of any Catalyst service. You can access the following tools in this feature: Code Generator, Code Converter, Code Debugger, Code Docs Generator, and Test Case Generator.

Catalyst enables you to perform an easy, one-time configuration of the integration, and avail these tools by prompting the AI with your requirements and obtaining instant results from OpenAI’s GPT model.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Email Address Verification: We have made bug fixes to ensure that when an email address added in Catalyst Mail is invalid, an appropriate exception is thrown alerting the user to enter a valid email address. Previously, the addition of an invalid email address resulted in an internal server error, which is now fixed.


Updates in Metrics Data Availability: We have now updated the duration of the availability of project data in Catalyst Metrics. You will be able to view the metrics of Data Store, Cache, Cron, File Store, and general API calls in your project of the last two years. Any data older than two years will not be available or displayed in Metrics.


Extension of ZCQL API V1 support : We have now extended the ZCQL V1 parser support from Feb 29, 2024 to March 31, 2024. We recommend you to migrate your existing codebase to ZCQL API v2 before the end of support. Refer to our announcements page for more details.


Add custom URL in Catalyst Authentication : Catalyst now allows you to configure any custom URLs for redirection after login, in both hosted and embedded native authentication types.

Bug Fix

CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.4: We have released a new version v1.17.4 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Commands affected : catalyst serve, catalyst functions:shell

Bug Fix :

We have fixed the bugs that threw ENAMETOOLONG or E2BIG errors when serving Catalyst Serverless functions.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli @1.17.4

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst SmartBrowz : When executing browser logic functions from the CLI, errors were thrown due to the mismatch of Puppetteer version. We have fixed them now.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst SDK : We have made bug fixes to the reset password SDK method in Java, Node.js and Python stacks, which threw an error while fetching the Catalyst user’s role ID using the user details.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst DevOps APM : Upon APM limit exhaustion, Catalyst Serverless functions will no longer be blocked. Instead, the tracking of those particular functions will be disabled. Bug fixes were made to exclude tracking Python functions by default.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst Authentication preview : We have made bug fixes to the preview being displayed in the console for the hosted type in the Catalyst Cloud Scale Authentication component.

2024 - February

Bug Fix

Java version Upgrade v1.15.1: We have released a new version of the Catalyst Java SDK, zc-java-sdk v1.15.1.

Bug Fix: We have now fixed the errors occured when the ZCML.getContentForAadhaar function is executed.

You can download the zc-java-sdk v1.15.1 from this static download URL and upgrade your existing Java functions. You can also configure the new version of the SDK in the pom.xml file as a Maven dependency, if you use the Catalyst Maven tool for Java development.

New Features

Java version Upgrade v1.15.0: We have released a new version of the Catalyst Java SDK, zc-java-sdk v1.15.0.

  • New Feature: This version offers a new method to initialize the zc-java-sdk in Catalyst AppSail services with support for Jakarta servlet.
  • Enhancement: We have now enhanced retrying Catalyst API requests by providing additional retryable error codes.

You can download the zc-java-sdk v1.15.0 from this static download URL and upgrade your existing Java functions. You can also configure the new version of the SDK in the pom.xml file as a Maven dependency, if you use the Catalyst Maven tool for Java development.


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.3: We have released a new version v1.17.3 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Enhancements: Catalyst now allows you to perform write operations directly in your function’s current working directory by enhancing the function execution flow.

  • Updates in function memory configuration : You can now configure distinct memory values for the memory key in the catalyst-config.json file of your Catalyst project.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.3

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in CLI v1.17.3: While executing a Catalyst Python function using the functions:shell command, incorrect current working directory values were being supplied to the function. We have fixed that now.

2024 - January


Updates in Catalyst Pricing model: Catalyst has introduced a brand new pricing system that now supports two different pricing models: pay-as-you-go model and subscription-based model. We have also introduced a free tier allowance or plan benefits for these models, respectively. There are also updates in the pricing amount and the calculations of resource usage in this new pricing system, as well as updates in the supported payment methods. You can refer to our new Pricing page for these details, and learn about the billing and payment updates from help page.

Note: For Catalyst users that had signed up before 1st Jan 2024, the old pricing system and all its terms will still be applicable. We have planned to deprecate the old pricing system on April 1, 2024 for these users. The new pricing system is applicable only to users who have signed up from Jan 1, 2024 onwards.


Updates in Catalyst collaborators management : Catalyst now allows you to accept collaborator invitations directly from the console or from emails as before.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst Cloud Scale Data Store: While updating date values in the columns of the Catalyst Cloud Scale Data Store, there were issues in adding specific dates in the EU DC. We have fixed those bugs now.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst Authentication: After confirming the password in Catalyst Embedded Authentication, there were redirection issues. We have made bug fixes for the same.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Reset Password Email Templates in Catalyst Authentication: We have made bug fixes to ensure that the dynamic HTML content configured for the reset password email templates in Catalyst Authentication is returned as expected by the following SDK methods:

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in SmartBrowz API: While using SmartBrowz APIs, there were issues when accessing them from organizations other than the default organization. We have fixed that now.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst SmartBrowz: While deleting and immediately adding collaborators in the Catalyst project, there were issues in accessing SmartBrowz templates. This bug has been fixed now.

2023 - December

Bug Fix

CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.2:

We have released a new version v1.17.2 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Commands affected : catalyst serve

Bug fix : We have handled the ENOENT error thrown while serving Python functions, especially from the windows OS.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal.

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.2


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.1: We have released a new version v1.17.1 of the Catalyst CLI as a patch update that includes the following changes:

  • Change: Updates in Java Advanced I/O function’s boiler plate code

  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused issues in Java function compilations in Windows OS

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.1
New Features

Support for CA Data Center: Catalyst is now available in the CA (Canada) data center. You can create a Catalyst account in the CA DC and access Catalyst resources from the CA domain.


Catalyst console UI Revamp: We have made a complete revamp of all the UI elements in the Catalyst console, and we have given the Catalyst console an exciting new look as well as better functionality now.


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.0: We have released a new version, v1.17.0 of the Catalyst CLI.

  • Commands affected: catalyst login, Catalyst Option –dc<us|eu|in|au|ca>

  • New Feature: Support for CA (Canada) data center

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that threw an error while executing the catalyst serve command from other file paths within the project directory
  • Fixed a bug that caused compilation errors and warning logs to be produced in Java functions while using the catalyst functions:shell, catalyst deploy and catalyst pull commands
  • Fixes were made to prevent the .classpath file in Java functions getting altered while performing operations with the CLI in Windows OS
  • Minor fixes to prevent occasional failures in the catalyst login command

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.0

New Features

Java SDK version upgrade v1.14.0 We have published a new version of the Catalyst Java SDK, zc-java-sdk v1.14.0.


  • File Store: Java SDK now also supports passing the folder name to fetch a folder instance through getFolderInstance, and to retrieve a single folder’s details through getFolder(). This is in addition to passing the folder ID for these methods, that was previously supported.

  • Dataverse (Beta): Java SDK now offers support for the SmartBrowz Dataverse feature that enables you to perform meaningful data extractions from the web using built-in APIs. These are now implemented in the Java SDK package as methods, that you can incorporate in your business logic.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst Authentication :

We have made bug fixes to ensure the successful addition of users in the Catalyst Cloud Scale Authentication component upon signups.

2023 - November


CLI version upgrade v1.16.2: We have released a patch version v1.16.2 of the Catalyst CLI.

Commands affected : catalyst login

Change : We have improved security in the catalyst login command by adding a state param validation.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.16.2

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in CLI: Bug fixes were made to prevent graceful shutdown of Catalyst Serverless functions when using catalyst serve command in the version v1.16.2.

Command affected : catalyst serve


Update in SmartBrowz templates: Catalyst now provides advanced styling options for SmartBrowz templates which allows you to customize the margins, header, and footer elements.


Support for alias in ZCQL: You can now refer a table with other distinct names of your choice in ZCQL using the alias functionality. You can learn more about it from this page.

Bug Fix

Python SDK version upgrade v1.0.0rc2:

We have released a beta version v1.0.0rc2 of the Catalyst Python SDK. This version includes bug fixes to ensure proper functioning of the SDK implementation in Windows OS.

Execute this command from the terminal to install the latest Python SDK package :

pip install package_name==1.0.0rc2

2023 - October

New Features

Introducing Dataverse in Catalyst SmartBrowz: Dataverse is a Catalyst SmartBrowz component that enables you to perform meaningful data extractions from the web using readily available Catalyst APIs. We have released three APIs - Lead Enrichment, Tech Stack Finder, and Similar Companies, which can be leveraged to fetch organization information of a company, the technology frameworks used by a particular organization, and the list of organizations which provide similar services to the inputs you provide respectively. You can learn more about them from this help page.

We have released a beta version of this feature and it is currently enabled only for users accessing from the US DC. Catalyst also provides Dataverse SDKs in Node.js and Python, which can be implemented in your application.


Encryption added for Environmental variables in Catalyst Functions: The environmental variables created in Catalyst Functions are now encrypted as per EAR standards and stored in Catalyst servers.


Customization of Redirect URL in Authentication component: When you create a new user or reset the user password in the Catalyst Authentication component, in the Redirect Urls section, the URLs are made fully customizable now. The default appending of /app in the redirect URL has been deprecated.


CLI version upgrade 1.16.1: We have released a patch version v1.16.1 of the Catalyst CLI. We have enabled the provision of executing Catalyst applications on the default localhost server in addition to the Catalyst server endpoint instances, after a project is deployed to the console from the CLI.

Command affected: catalyst deploy

Changes: The CLI will now provide a deployment URL, as well as a localhost URL when this command is executed. You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.16.1


OAuth Scopes Addition: We have now added new OAuth scopes for the following services:

Catalyst QuickML : QuickML.deployment.READ
Catalyst SmartBrowz : ZohoCatalyst.pdfshot.execute, ZohoCatalyst.dataverse.execute


Catalyst Angular plugin version upgrade 1.0.0: We have released a patch version v1.0.0 of the Catalyst Angular plugin, zcatalyst-cli-plugin-angular which includes support for Angular 15.

You can install this version by executing the following command in the terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli-plugin-angular@1.0.0


Angular Schematics version upgrade 1.0.0: We have released a patch version v1.0.0 of the zcatalyst-angular-schematics package, which includes support for Angular 15.


Node.js SDK version upgrade v2.6.0-beta.0: We have released a beta version v2.6.0-beta.0 of the Catalyst Node.js SDK. This version includes the support for Dataverse in the Catalyst SmartBrowz service. We have also deprecated ZAID from all the methods in the Catalyst Cloud Scale Authentication component userManagement in the SDK.

Execute this command from your terminal to install the latest Node.js SDK package:

npm install zcatalyst-sdk-node@2.6.0-beta.0


Java SDK version upgrade v1.13.1: We have released a patch version of the Catalyst Java SDK v1.13.1 that includes minor fixes in the Catalyst Circuits component. You can download the version of the SDK using this link.


Python SDK version upgrade v1.0.0rc1: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst Python SDK v1.0.0rc1 that includes the support for Dataverse in the Catalyst SmartBrowz service. We have also deprecated ZAID from the Catalyst Cloud Scale Authentication component user_management in the SDK.

Execute this command from the terminal to install the latest Python SDK package:

pip install package_name==1.0.0rc1

Bug Fix

AppSail runtime update: We have bug fixes to ensure successful execution of applications built in Node.js 18, Java 11 & 17 runtimes and deployed as an Appsail service in Catalyst.

2023 - September

New Features

Introducing Flutter SDK: Catalyst introduces support to develop cross-platform mobile apps on the Flutter platform by providing a native Flutter SDK. With this package, you can avail a host of tools and functionalities to incorporate Catalyst components in your mobile apps developed on Flutter with ease, and release the app for both Android and iOS platforms. This is a highly beneficial alternative to developing and releasing mobile apps on native Android and iOS independently, for cross-platform developers. You can learn all about getting started with Flutter, and implementing the SDK in your business logic from the Flutter SDK documentation.

New Features

Support for Third-party Authentication in Android and iOS SDK: Catalyst Android and iOS SDK packages now enable you to incorporate any third-party authentication of your choice through Cloud Scale Authentication in your mobile apps. The configuration files created in Catalyst when you create your Android or iOS package, will now include properties (JWTClientID and JWTClientSecret) that allow implementation of third-party authentication. Refer to Android and iOS help docs for details.

New Features

Fetching Timezone Details in Android and iOS SDK: You can now fetch the timezone configured in your Catalyst project using Android or iOS SDKs with the new getCurrentTimeZone() method introduced in both the packages. Refer to Android and iOS help docs for details.

New Features

Support for Google Social Login in Android SDK: Catalyst Android SDK enables you to provide Google login and logout functionality for your Android app users with the Social Login feature of Authentication. You can pass the Google OAuth Client ID through the methods fun login() and fun logout().


Python SDK version upgrade v.0.0.2: We have released a stable version of the Catalyst Python SDK v.0.0.2 that includes QuickML and ZCQL v2 parser. You can also customize a mail template using this SDK when you invite a new user in Catalyst Authentication. We have now replaced the name of the authentication component as user_management. Execute this command in the Catalyst CLI to install the Python SDK package:

pip install package_name==0.0.2

In this version, we have made bug fixes in update_user_details() method in the Catalyst Authentication component. We have also made ZAID optional in all methods of the Authentication component now.


Support for Java v11, v17, and Node.js 18 Runtimes: Catalyst now provides support for Java v11, v17, and Node.js 18 runtimes that you can develop Serverless functions in. You can upgrade your existing functions to the latest supported version from the remote console. You can now also select the latest runtime when you create Java and Node.js functions, or initialize them from the CLI.


Update in Social Logins: We now enable you to fetch the ZAID of your project directly in the console when you enable social logins and generate the authorized URIs.


Catalyst Functions Update: Now when you pass an empty query parameter while executing a Calayst function, the parameter will be available with an empty string value instead of it being unavailable in the functions code.


Fetching Rows through Pagination with Android and iOS SDK: Catalyst Android and iOS SDK packages now include the support to fetch rows of data from a table in the Data Store with pagination. This allows you to fetch the rows in batches or pages through iterations. This includes the support for the new params of maxRows and nextToken that can be passed with the getRows() method in both SDKs. Refer to Android and iOS help docs for details.


Release of Android SDK v2.1.0: Catalyst Android SDK includes the following enhancements and updates in addition to the other updates specified in the new v2.1.0:


Enhancements in existing iOS SDK operations: Catalyst iOS SDK includes the following enhancements and updates, in addition to the other updates specified:

  • We have removed the support for creating or using a <TABLE_INSTANCE> in the Data Store in Catalyst iOS SDK. You can now simply create a <DATA_STORE_INSTANCE > and specify the table identifier through it, to perform a variety of operations that involve its usage. Relevant SDK code snippets that have been modified to reflect this change are: Get Column Metadata, Get Rows, Get Row Data, and Execute a ZCQL Query.
  • You can now pass an additional object appConfiguration that contains the configuration details of the SDK package while initializing the iOS SDK in your app.
  • We have added four new keys in the property file generated by Catalyst: X-Catalyst-Environment, X-CATALYST-USER, AccountsPortalDomain, notificationAppID.
  • We now provide support for implementing Push Notificationsnatively in the iOS SDK package through the notificationAppID property.

New Features

QuickML custom visualization: Added data profile graphs provide you with a visual representation of your dataset’s characteristics. These graphs enable you to uncover the patterns, and potential anomalies in your data at a glance.

How to access QuickML custom visualization: To access QuickML’s custom visualization, simply navigate to the Dataset section in QuickML. For each dataset, you’ll find a set of visualizations to help you understand your data distribution, correlation, and other relevant insights.

New Features

Feature engineering methods: A comprehensive set of feature engineering techniques now enhance the capabilities of QuickML. These methods encompass a range of functionalities, including feature generation, feature reduction, and feature selection.

New Features

Ensembling methods: Introducing ensembling methods to QuickML’s capabilities. Ensembling involves combining multiple machine learning models to create a more robust and accurate final model. This approach harnesses the diverse strengths of individual models to enhance predictive performance collectively.


Expanded Data Connectors: QuickML’s capabilities are now further enriched with additional data connectors, enabling seamless integration with a wider range of data sources.

Here are the newly added connectors.

Zoho Apps: Integrate the platform with Zoho Bigin and Catalyst Datastore for direct access to Zoho’s suite of applications for enhanced data utilization.

Cloud Data Sources:

  1. Object Storages: Introducing support for Microsoft OneDrive to enhance your ability to access and utilize Microsoft cloud-based data storage.
  2. Databases: QuickML now offers compatibility with a variety of databases, allowing you to connect to and work with different database types including,
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server
  • Amazon RedShift
  • Amazon Aurora
  • Amazon RDS

These expanded data connectors will grant you more flexibility and accessibility in sourcing and analyzing data from various platforms and environments.


Redirect URL update in Authentication: When you create a new user or reset the user password in the Catalyst Authentication component, in the Redirect URLs section, you can now choose custom domains which has been added in the Catalyst Domain Mapping component of your project.

Bug Fix

Node.js SDK version upgrade 2.5.1: We have released a stable version of the Catalyst Node.js SDK v2.5.1 that includes minor bug fixes in the Catalyst SmartBrowz component.

Bug Fix

Minor Bug fixes in AppSail: We made bug fixes to ensure creation of only 5 AppSail services per Catalyst project.

2023 - August

New Features

ZCQL Parser API Version Upgrade: We have upgraded the version of ZCQL parser API from V1 to V2. Read more about the new syntax upgrades and the additional functionalities in the upgraded version from this help page.

New Features

Onboarding and Customized Experience for New Catalyst Users: We have now added a new onboarding process for users who will sign up to Catalyst, going forward. This process will also craft their Catalyst experience based on their specific interests and needs.


Updates in Catalyst Authentication User Management: We have made last name parameter optional when you add a new application user in User Management feature of the Catalyst Cloud Scale Authentication service. The first name parameter is now mandatory. This is applicable to all Java,Node.js and Python SDKs and Catalyst Authentication REST APIs.


Updates in ZCQL V2 Parser :

We have made the following set of updates to ZCQL V2:

  • We have made several syntax upgrades to the Catalyst Cloud Scale ZCQL component in this version. You can refer this page to learn more about them in detail.

  • The ZCQL playground feature in the Catalyst console has also undergone an upgrade in this version. You can also use the ZCQL code in Catalyst functions by adding ZCQL’s version number as an environmental variable. Refer to this page to learn about its implementation.

  • We have also updated the list of ZCQL exceptions based on the updated ZCQL syntax.

  • We now support sub-queries in the WHERE clause of the ZCQL statements.

  • Catalyst now allows you to use ZCQL functions with HAVING clause. Refer this page for more details.

  • You can now use multiple ZCQL functions on the same column in a single ZCQL query statement.


End of Early Access for multiple features: Early Access for Python programming language support, QuickML, the revamped Authentication, Zoho Event Listeners, Multi-Org support, ConvoKraft, SmartBrowz, and AU DC support have ended, and these features are now globally available to all Catalyst users.


Java SDK v1.1.13.0 & Node.js SDK v2.5.0 Version Upgrade: We have released a stable version of the Catalyst Java SDK v1.1.13.0 and Node.js SDK v2.5.0 that includes QuickML and ZCQL v2 parser. You can also customize an email template in these SDK versions, when you invite a new user in Catalyst Authentication. You can download the Java SDK using this link. Execute this command in the Catalyst CLI to install the Node.js SDK package:

npm install zcatalyst-sdk-node@2.5.0


Integration of Circuits with Event Listeners and Cron: Catalyst now allows you to associate Catalyst Serverless Circuits with Cloud Scale (Catalyst Cron and Catalyst Component Event Listeners). You can choose the schedule point of a cron job as a Circuit in addition to Cron functions or third-party URLs, Similarly, you can now trigger the execution of a circuit with a Custom Event Listener, in addition to Event Functions.


Version Upgrades of Java SDK v1.1.13.0 and Node.js SDK v2.5.0: We have released a stable version of the Catalyst Java SDK v1.1.13.0 and Node.js SDK v2.5.0 . In the Java SDK upgrade, we have added a new value INITIATED to the enum ZCCircuitExecutionStatus.


Replaced setZaaid() method in Authentication: In the Authentication component of the Catalyst Java SDK, for the Add new User to Existing Org operation, we have replaced the setZaaid() method with the setOrgId() method.


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0: We have released a stable version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0 which includes all bug fixes of its beta versions. In this CLI upgrade, the lifecycle scripts such as preserve, redeploy, postserve and postdeploy will be executed in the source directory of the component.

Bug Fix

Bug Fix in Catalyst Event Listeners: While editing event rules in the Catalyst Event Listener, there were issues of the selected target event functions not getting populated. We have fixed this now.

Bug Fix

Bug Fix in Notifications: We have released a stable version of Node.js SDK v2.5.0 upgrade, in which we have fixed bugs in the iOS Push Notifications.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Project Deletion: While deleting a Catalyst project from the Catalyst console, users faced an issue of the project deletion survey getting skipped and the project getting deleted without it being shown. We have fixed this issue now.

2023 - July

New Features

Introducing Catalyst Maven Plugin: Catalyst now offers a set of features specific to the Apache Maven build automation tool, such as the Catalyst Maven archetypes, a Catalyst plugin for the Maven framework, and providing Catalyst Java SDK as a dependency to enhance the Java application development process. These tools, allow you to create Catalyst functions with the archetypes, automatically handle Java dependencies, and serve or deploy functions using the plugin within the Java IDE of your choice instead of using the Catalyst CLI.

Bug Fix

Bug Fix in Catalyst Authentication Email Templates: Users faced an issue of the content in email subjects getting garbled for languages other than English. We have fixed this issue now for the Catalyst Authentication Email templates.


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.6: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.6, that includes enhancements for displaying logs in the CLI for Catalyst client and function executions. We have also included handler function responses for the Catalyst ConvoKraft service.

2023 - June

New Features

Introducing Catalyst ConvoKraft: Catalyst introduces a dedicated AI-driven service that can be used to build conversational bots for your application. Catalyst ConvoKraft allows you to create and configure actions that can be performed by your bot. You can code the backend logic of the ConvoKraft bots either using Catalyst Integration Functions(Java, Node.js or Python), Deluge, or code them independently and store them in any external server and invoke them with webhooks in your application. We also provide a Javascript client SDK package that can be used to customize and embed the ConvoKraft bots in your application.


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.5: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.5, that includes support for Catalyst Integration Functions of the type ConvoKraft. This enables you to perform the CLI operations of init, test with the functions shell, deploy, and pull for the ConvoKraft Integration functions.

You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.4

2023 - May

New Features

Introducing Catalyst CodeLib: Catalyst now provides ready-to-implement, pre-packaged microservices that contains on-demand functionalities to solve varied usecases. We provide these micorservices as independent solutions that can be added in your Catalyst project by installing them using the CLI or pulling the code from this Git Repo. This will auto-create all necessary resources and incorporate the code in your Catalyst project. You can learn more about the steps to implement each solution from the console and their functionalities from the respective README files in the repo.

New Solution

Algolia Search Integration CodeLib Solution: We now provide a Catalyst CodeLib solution to implement search and discovery of your application’s data using Algolia, a third-party hosted search engine. This is implemented using Catalyst Serverless Functions in Node.js. Learn more about the steps to implement this solution from the Catalyst console.

New Solution

Stripe Payment Integration CodeLib Solution: Catalyst provides a pre-configured solution to handle billing and payment processes in your Catalyst application by integrating with a third-party payment processor, Stripe. This solution is implemented using Catalyst Serverless Functions in Node.js and can be customized based on your payment specifications. Learn more about the steps to implement this solution from the Catalyst console.

New Solution

Database Connector CodeLib Solution: We have introduced the DataBase Connector CodeLib solution which can be readily implemented to establish a connection between your Catalyst application and any external database management system either using MySQL or PSQL queries. This is implemented using Catalyst Serverless Functions in Node.js. Learn more about the steps to implement this solution from the Catalyst console.

New Solution

Zoho CRM Bulk Import CodeLib Solution: Catalyst now provides a pre-packaged micro-service to transfer data in bulk to any standard modules in Zoho CRM. We have implemented this solution using Catalyst Serverless Functions in Node.js. Learn more about the steps to implement this solution from the Catalyst console.

New Features

Introducing Catalyst Extension for VS Code IDE: We have now published the Catalyst Tools Extension in the Visual Studio Code IDE that enables you to execute commands to initialize a Catalyst project, add functions, serve or deploy the application and more CLI operations directly in the IDE instead of using the CLI terminal. Read more about the installation steps of the extension from this help page.


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.4: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI v1.15.0-beta.4 that includes support for CodeLib Solutions. You can install this version by executing the below command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.4


JAVA SDK Version Upgrade v1.12.0-beta02: We have released a new beta version of the Java SDK, v1.12.0-beta02, which includes the enhancements to support the revamped Catalyt Authentication component. You can download the version using this link. We also released a stable version v1.12.0. This version includes changes in the Catalyst Authentication component. In the Catalyst Authentication addUser() method , we have now replaced the setZaaid() with setOrgId(). You can download the version using this link.


Node.js SDK Version Upgrade v2.4.0-beta.1: We have released a new beta version of the Node.js SDK, v2.4.0-beta.1, in which we have updated the scope of the generateCustomToken() method in Catalyst Authentication component from user to admin.

Execute this command in the Catalyst CLI to install this Node.js SDK package:

npm install zcatalyst-sdk-node@2.4.0-beta.1


Node.js SDK Version Upgrade v2.4.0: We have released a stable version of the Node.js SDK v2.4.0 in which we have implemented the Catalyst QuickML component. In the addUser() method of the Catalyst Authentication component, we have now replaced the zaaid with org_Id. For installing the stable version you can use this command:

npm install zcatalyst-sdk-node@2.4.0


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.1: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.1, which is implemented with some internal fixes for the revamped Catalyst Authentication feature. You can install this version by executing this command from the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.1


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.2: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.2. We have fixed some routing issues in Node.js Advanced I/O functions, and the memory configuration for Browser Logic functions has now been upgraded from 256 MB to 512 MB by default when you deploy them to the development environment from the CLI. You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.2


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.3: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.3. This includes some bug fixes related to the creation of Catalyst Serverless Integration Functions. You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.3


Catalyst Cliq Node.js SDK Version Upgrade v1.0.0: We have released a new version of the Cliq Node.js SDK v1.0.0 which includes support for ESM module functionalities. However, this version is not compatible with the common JS modules. In case you are using them, then you will need to use the v0.1.1 version of the Node.js SDK until further notice. Also please note that going forward, we will only support ESM modules.

You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install zcatalyst-integ-cliq@1.0.0

In case you need to install the v0.1.1 version, please use this command:

npm install zcatalyst-integ-cliq@0.1.1


Catalyst React Plugin Upgrade v.0.0.4: We have upgraded the version of the Catalyst React Plugin zcatalyst-cli-plugin-react to v.0.0.4. This includes enhancements made in the CLI serve command for React applications.

2023 - April

New Features
Early Access

Introducing Catalyst SmartBrowz: Catalyst introduces a dedicated browser service wherein you can manage and control a remote browser in a headless mode through the Catalyst’s cloud environment. SmartBrowz includes components such as Headless, Browser Logic, PDF & Screenshots and Templates. Catalyst allows to code your application logic as a new Serverless function type, Browser logic functions using either Java or Node.js programming environments. We also provide SDK packages and ready-to-use code snippets to implement and test various SmartBrowz components directly.

New Features
Early Access

Introducing QuickML: Catalyst: QuickML is the no-code machine learning platform designed to build and train machine learning models with easy-to-use, drag-and-drop UI interface and deploy them seamlessly. Even if you only have a fundamental understanding of machine learning algorithms and data preprocessing techniques with little coding knowledge, you will be able to build ML pipelines using QuickML in a matter of minutes.

You can also create Endpoints for your ML models and effortlessly integrate them with any application. QuickML is the powerful feature-rich platform that offers a wide range of features and capabilities which empowers users and businesses to explore and harness the potential of machine learning.


Provisioning Foldername Param in File Store API: The File Store related APIs now allow a new param in the request header called folderIdentifier, which supports the passing of either the folder name or folder ID while executing the APIs.


Project Deletion Survey: Catalyst will now display a short optional survey form whenever you delete a project from your account. You can fill out the survey to help us understand your reason for deleting the project, your experience with the overall Catalyst platform and its resources.


JAVA SDK Version Upgrade v1.12.0-beta01: We have released a new beta version of the Java SDK, v1.12.0-beta01, which includes support for Catalyst SmartBrowz operations. You can download the version using this link.

2023 - March

New Features
Early Access

Python Programming Support: Catalyst now provides support for Python v3.9 version in your Catalyst Serverless Functions. It also provides a Python SDK library that helps you build applications using the Python programming environment at ease. This SDK package allows you to implement and perform various operations across all Catalyst services and components.

New Features
Early Access

New Multi-Org Support: Catalyst introduces a new feature which provisions support for creating and managing multiple organizations within the same Catalyst account. You can add collaborators and grant permissions to the entire organization or specific projects in it. You can manage all your organizations directly from the Catalyst console and also set a default organization for your Catalyst account. You can also pass the org ID of an organization to execute APIs for a different org other than the default.

New Features
Early Access

Introducing Zoho Event Listeners: Similar to component and custom Event Listeners, Catalyst now provisions event listeners to listen to configured actions in other Zoho services exclusively. The Zoho Event Listeners feature currently supports association with Zoho CRM. You can now build event-driven applications based on CRM events that occur in any standard or custom CRM modules, such as Leads Created, Sales Order Approved, and more.

New Features
Early Access

Major Revamp in Catalyst Authentication: Catalyst Authentication component has undergone a major upgrade with the newly introduced options to implement user authentication in your application either using native hosted or embedded solutions, or by using third-party authenticators. You can now enable public signup, configure and add social logins to your Catalyst application’s login directly. We have also introduced a whitelisting feature that enables you to validate users securely using custom Catalyst functions.

New Features

Cliq SDK Package in Integration Functions for Python: Catalyst Integration Functions for Zoho Cliq can now be created in the Python platform with the Python SDK v0.0.1 update. . You can execute this command in the Catalyst CLI to install Cliq SDK in Python:

pip install zcatalyst-cliq==0.0.1


CLI version v1.14.1: Catalyst CLI has undergone a version upgrade to v1.14.1.You can now implement inheritable thread locale while coding Catalyst Serverless Functions in the Java programming environment.


Java and Node.js SDK version upgrade: Catalyst Java and Node.js SDK’s has undergone a version upgrade to v.1.11.0 and v.2.3.0 respectively. We have introduced Org APIs, Data Store APIs for bulk read and bulk write operations, and also made enhancements to the SDK initialization methods wherein you can create app objects with specific scopes now.

2023 - Febuary

New Features
Early Access

Support for AU DC: Catalyst is now hosted in an AU data center and is accessible from an AU domain. AU users can now access the Catalyst remote console from the AU domain. The multi-DC support is also reflected while implementing Catalyst Oauth 2.0 Authentication to access the REST APIs. You can also disable or enable access to your application to users of the AU DC from the Zoho API console after registering your client. Enhancements related to the AU data center are also reflected while logging into the Catalyst CLI and using the SDKs.

Circuits and Push Notifications features will not be available for the users accessing from the AU DC.


Project Specific Time Zone:In the General Settings section of the Catalyst console, you will now be able to specify the time zone for your project. The time zone chosen here will be applied to the project and all of its components. You can also configure the time zone individually for Logs while viewing the function execution logs, and in Cron while viewing the cron execution logs.

Bug Fix

Migrating Advanced I/O Functions from Production to Development: Earlier due to an internal issue, the migration of Advanced I/O functions from production to development was not always possible. Now, this bug has been resolved and seamless migration of Advanced I/O functions from production to development is possible.

2023 - January


Kill, Pause, Resume, and Disable Queued Events: Component and Custom Events will now include a new section, “In Progress”. This section will display the queued event that is being executed along with its details, and will also allow you to kill the event that is currently in progress. The console will also display the stats of the number of Processed Events, Failed Events, and Queued Events. In the queued events section, you will now be able to pause the queue for 5 minutes and also disable the queue, if needed. You will now be able to view detailed execution history in the processed events section, and also directly accessAPM to view the event function’s detailed logs from here.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Mail: Bug fixes have been made in the Mail component to ensure that you can now send emails to your end users with the mode set to SMTP.

2022 - December


Validation of Web Application Name: We have added a validation check for naming Catalyst web applications. You will now be able to add a name within a maximum limit of 100 characters.


New Limits in The Number of Budgets: We have now configured the maximum number of budgets that can be created for an individual project as 50.


Column Comparison in ZCQL Query: Catalyst now enables you to compare two individual columns of a table in the DataStore using a new ZCQL query. The result of the comparison will include the rows that contain the same value for column1 and column2, if the = operator is used. This comparison works for datatypes including boolean, int, double, data, encrypted and varchar.


Validation in Active Export Project Requests: We have added a validation to the backend query that checks for the number of active project export requests. It will now only allow one active export request to be executed at a specific point of time.


Limits on Target Functions in Event Listeners: We have now configured the maximum number of target functions that can be associated with an event rule in an Event Listener as 10.


Batch Cloning in Authentication Roles: Catalyst will perform batch cloning when the permissions of an existing user role in Authentication is cloned. The batch cloning will allow 500 query executions per batch.

Bug Fix

Bug-fixes in the Polls Demo App: Bug fixes were made in the Polls app that displayed an error page in the UI when users tried to add new collaborators in it, despite the action being reflected in the backend.

Bug Fix

Bug Fix in Data Store: Earlier when a row with value greater than the allowed maximum length was added in a unique column of datatype VarChar, the data would be clipped at its maximum supported length and added to the column. However, this would unintentionally create duplicate records at times. We have now resolved this issue and Catalyst will now ensure that no duplicate records are saved in unique columns.

2022 - November


Payment Due Alert in the Console: We will now display an alert message in the Catalyst console to remind you of pending bill payments 15 days before the due date. You will be required to make the payment by the 17th of every month.


Alert While Deleting Cron Job or Event Rule: Catalyst will now display an alert when you attempt to delete a cron job or an event listener rule that is associated with a cron function or an event function respectively. You must first remove their association with the target functions before you proceed to delete them.


Optimization in Duplicate Data Retrieval through ZCQL: We have optimised the process of retrieving duplicate data in the tables in Data Store using the SELECT query in ZCQL.


Standardisation of the Console’s UI: We have modified certain design elements of the Catalyst console, such as the top bar, according to Zoho’s UI standards.


Literal changes based on HIPAA Regulations: We have modified the literal of “IsSensitive” field in Data Store and File Store that is used to indicate sensitive user data to “PII/ePHI” , which stands for Protected Health Information (PHI) and electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) respectively. You can mark a column in the Data Store or a folder in the File Store using this field, before you add protected user data to them.


Enhancements in Catalyst Search: We have made some enhancements to the call requests made to the Catalyst Search while searching for data in Catalyst Data Store.

Bug Fix

Resolving Routing Errors in Custom Index Path: Fixes were made to resolve the issues in routing to custom-defined index pages in Catalyst client applications. Users were routed to the default index page in some instances, despite configuring a custom index page in the catalyst.json configuration file. We have now fixed this bug to ensure that user-specified index path is followed every time.

Bug Fix

Upgrades in Node.js Function Executions: We have now made internal fixes to properly accommodate the memory configuration a user defines while they create or update a Node.js function in Catalyst.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in accessing APM and OCR: Some users encountered internal server errors when they accessed Application Performance Monitoring and OCR for the first time. We have made fixes and handled these exceptions.

Bug Fix

Temporary Removal of Crashes: Catalyst Crashes is currently under a revamp and it will not be available in the meantime, in the Catalyst console. You can keep a track of our release notes and our community for updates regarding the re-release of Crashes.

Bug Fix

Performance Fixes in ZCQL: We have made some upgrades to fix performance issues reported in the ZCQL UPDATE query.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in APM’s UI: Application Performance Monitoring displayed “Integration Functions” as an option in its dropdown for all data centers from where you could fetch function invocation reports, while the support for that function type was only provisioned for the US DC users. We have now handled this fix in the console’s UI.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes for Page Load Issues in Billing: Users from the data centers where Automation Testing is not available encountered page load issues during billing, as Automation Testing is enabled for billing in the development environment as well. We have now made a patch fix and resolved this issue.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes for Parallel Project Creation Issues: We have made fixes to resolve certain issues that users encountered while creating multiple projects in parallel.


Deprecation of Node.js v10: The deprecation phase of Node.js v10 was announced to extend until October 31, 2022. Node.js v10 is now officially deprecated. It will be retired on January 31, 2023, following which Catalyst will end its support for the runtime.

2022 - August


Provision to include a Custom 404 page: You can now add your own 404 page in your Catalyst application, and have it shown instead of the default 404 page provided by Catalyst. You can design your page and add it in the client directory of your app. You must include its key and path in the clientpackage.json configuration file.


Major Enhancements in Test Suite Executions in Automation Testing: Catalyst now enables you to configure automatic re-runs of test suites upon their failure in the first execution. You can also re-run a failed test suite manually any number of times from the console. You can also configure other test suites to execute pre- or post- a specific test suite’s execution. The Automation Testing console will display detailed results of all re-runs, and pre- and post-conditions of test suite executuions.


Automatic Disabling of Production Environment on reaching Budget: You will now be able to configure automatically disabling the production environment of your project when the threshold of a specific budget is reached in Billing. Catalyst will alert you when this happens. You can then manually re-enable the production environment after it has been disabled, if required.


Support for HTTP OPTION in API Gateway: We have now included support for the HTTP method OPTION while configuring APIs in API Gateway. This method offers support for standard browser behavior in executing cross-origin requests through API Gateway.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in 404 pages in Catalyst apps: Minor fixes were made to display the status code as 404 when a page in a Catalyst web app is not found.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Custom Domains added in Catalyst: Minor fixes were made to address duplicates in custom domains added as Authorized Domains for CORS.

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in ZCQL: Minor fixes were made to restrict encrypted columns from being indexed in the results while performing search queries with the ORDER BY statement.

2022 - July


Enhancements in Catalyst Mail: You can now attach files in the emails you send from within your Catalyst application through Catalyst Mail. In addition to multiple file attachments, Mail now also supports multiple recipients, CC, BCC, and replies in a single send mail operation. You can send emails to your application users in the Java and Node.js platforms, as well as through an API.

2022 - June

New feature

Identity Scanner: Catalyst introduces a new Zia AI-driven suite, Identity Scanner, that enables you to perform secure identity checks through E-KYC and document processing. Identity Scanner incorporates extended OCR, data extraction, face comparison, and other advanced AI functionalities that allow you to process various ID proofs and official documents. Catalyst provides Identity Scanner in the Java and Node.js environments, as well as through multiple APIs.

Note: Document Processing is only relevant to Indian users and is only available in the IN DC (Indian Data Center). E-KYC is available as Facial Comparison in the Java and Node.js SDK packages, and as an API to all users globally.

New feature

Configuration of Function Environmental Variables and Triggers: Catalyst Functions have undergone a major upgrade with the newly introduced options of configuring environmental variables and function triggers. You can now declare and store function-specific variables for the development and production environments of your project in the newly introduced Configuration release_month_year for functions in the console. You can now also easily create and manage all triggers associated with that function based on the function’s type, as well configure it’s allocated memory from this release_month_year.


Sort, Search, and Pagination Updates in Functions List View: You can now sort the functions listed on the Functions component page in the console by their names, IDs, or by other columns. You can also search for a function using the new search bar on top of the page, as well as view them in pages containing rows of 10, 20, or 50 results.


Anti-virus check during File Attachments/Uploads: Catalyst now provides an additional layer of security for your application files by implementing anti-virus checks on the files uploaded in the File Store, and on the attachments sent through Catalyst Mail.


Bug Fixes in ZCQL: Fixes were made to resolve a bug in ZCQL where the scope criteria of the child table was considered over the scope of the parent table, in the case of Joins. The default limits for the number of rows fetched in SELECT operations are also updated to 300 from 200.


Bug Fixes in Functions: Fixes were made to address the issue of including characters like “4d”, “2d”, or “56f” in function names that resulted in errors due to them getting converted to float or double values.


Bug Fixes in API Gateway: Minor bug fixes were done in API Gateway to validate empty values for API names.

2022 - May


Bug fixes in IAC Exports: Fixes were made to address the issue of project export failures when an app alert with no event listener rule mapped to it is exported.


Bug fixes in File Store: Bug fixes were made to rectify minor duplication error throws during folder deletions in the File Store.


Bug fixes in Project List View: A bug that disabled the scroll when the sign-out page was opened in the projects list view was fixed.

2022 - April


Support for Node.js v16 Functions: Catalyst now provides support for Node.js v16. You can upgrade your existing functions to the latest supported version from the remote console. You can now also select the latest runtime when you create Node.js functions, or initialize them from the CLI.

New feature

IaC Settings: Catalyst introduces a new method of performing project imports and exports from the console through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) settings. You can export the schema and code of a project into a ZIP file, and import this ZIP file into a new project of any Catalyst account. These IaC operations are already available in the CLI.


Bug Fixes in Domain Mapping: A console message stating the CNAME entry for Domain Mapping to be linked to for all DCs has now been changed based on the user’s DC.


Bug Fixes in File Store: Fixes were made to rectify a bug that prevented folder permissions from being updated for custom user roles, i.e., the roles other than App Administrator or App User.

2022 - March


Extension of Node.js v10 Deprecation: The deprecation phase of Node.js v10 has been ongoing since April 2021. The retirement date was announced as July 31, 2022 for the version. However, we have planned to extend the deprecation period of the version until October 31, 2022. Following the deprecation period, Node.js v10 will be retired on January 31, 2023, and Catalyst will end its support for the runtime.


Node.js v12 Deprecation Announcement: Node.js v12 is currently in the deprecation phase. Following the deprecation period of one year until April 30, 2023, Node.js v12 will be retired on July 31, 2023, three months after the end of the deprecation period. Catalyst will then end its support for the runtime.

2022 - January

New feature

Automation Testing: Catalyst introduces Automation Testing, an API testing tool that enables you to test all the accessible end point APIs of your application, i.e., the Basic I/O and Advanced I/O functions, or any third-party API. You can write custom test cases, automate the entire process of API testing, and obtain real-time responses and detailed reports. Catalyst also enables you to trigger the execution of configured test plans through an API.

New feature

Support for Pagination in Java, Node.js, Web SDKs, and API: Catalyst has introduced support for Pagination in fetching all rows from a table in the Data Store, in the Java, Node.js, Web SDKs and the API. Pagination enables you to fetch the rows of a table in batches or pages through iterations. The support for the older methods of fetching all rows in the same response has been deprecated in all the SDKs and the API, and Pagination will now be the default.


Catalyst CLI v1.12.0: Catalyst CLI version 1.12.0 is published with several enhancements and bug-fixes in the existing CLI features and packages.


Deprecation of Angular and React Plugins as Global Packages: Catalyst will no longer support the global installation and use of Angular and React packages in the project directory. You will only be able to install these plugins in the specific app directories of the web client where they are initialized, using the CLI. Please update the code of your existing Angular and React web apps accordingly.


Deprecation of the –watch option in Functions Shell: Catalyst has removed the –watch option for the catalyst functions:shell CLI command. The watch mode will be set as the default. You can disable the default watch using the new –no-watch option while executing the command.


Cliq Integration Functions Template Update: We have updated the default code templates of some Cliq handler classes that you initialize Cliq Integration functions. This will not affect any of your existing functions.


Angular Schematics Package Update: We have reflected the updates that were made in the Angular schematics collection, in the Catalyst Angular plugin.


Angular and React Plugin Upgrades: Catalyst Angular and React plugins have been updated to support updated LTS versions of the respective frameworks- Angular v12.2.15 and React v17.0.2.


Bug-Fixes in IN DC: Minor bug-fixes were made in the static URL handling of the IN data center, where in some instances the static URLs pointed to the US DC instead of the IN DC.


Bug-Fixes in CLI Dependancy Package: Fixes were made to update the dependancy clone package cli-table3 to reflect the latest patch updates made in the original package.


Bug-Fixes in catalyst serve: Fixes were made in the catalyst serve CLI command to address the issue where the serving of a minified HTML file caused the script injection logic to render an extra character.

2021 - November

New feature

Angular and React Web Client Apps: Catalyst has released support for Angular and React web client application templates, and provides custom plugins for them to facilitate a better app development experience. You can now initialize or set up the web client in your project as an Angular app, React app, or the basic web app which was available earlier. You can test and deploy these apps similar to the other components of your project.

New feature

Catalyst CLI v1.11.0 Release: We have released Catalyst CLI v1.11.0 with the support for Angular and React web client applications.

2021 - October

New feature

Application Alerts: Catalyst now enables you to configure email alerts to be sent during failures or specific event occurrences in any of these components: Cron, Event Listeners, or Logs through Application Alerts. You can associate multiple entities of a component in a single alert, and set the alert’s criteria and frequency according to your needs.

New feature

Project Export and Import Operations in the CLI: You can now perform the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) operations of exporting and importing projects from the CLI. You can export a project’s component configurations, functions, and client code, without any data, as an external ZIP file. This project ZIP file can be imported as a new project into any Catalyst account.


Enhancements in Cron: Catalyst will now send emails each time a cron is disabled in any of the projects. The alerts will be sent to the collaborators of the project who configured the cron.


Bug- Fixes in Catalyst Sign-up: Catalyst has now improved the user sign-up process through an SDK or API, by implementing validations to accept only the ZAID values of projects associated with existing Catalyst applications.

2021 - September


Catalyst CLI v1.9.1 Release: We have released Catalyst CLI v1.9.1 implementing some bug fixes in the –only option of the catalyst serve command, where the client component did not get served in some cases.


Catalyst CLI v1.9.0 Release: Catalyst CLI v1.9.0 is out now with enhancements in the CLI serve command. The serve command now includes a –watch option that enables a hot reload of the serve session whenever changes are detected in the target files. This allows you to modify your resources while the serve session is still active.

2021 - August

New feature

Context-Sensitive Help in CLI: Catalyst CLI will now display context-sensitive help, when you encounter an error during a CLI command execution. Catalyst will analyze the error dynamically to understand the usage of the command and the reason behind the error occurrence, and provide you custom help for the specific scenario. The CLI will suggest actions that you can take to rectify or prevent the error, and provide a relevant help link to implement the fix.

New feature

Language Runtime Support Policy: We have designed a standard Language Runtime Support Policy that defines the framework for deprecating and ending support for the Java and Node.js language runtimes approaching their end of life. The policy includes multiple phases in ending support for these runtimes. This phased reduction provides you plenty of time to plan, implement, and test upgrades in your functions.


Support for Node.js v12 and v14 Functions: Catalyst now provides support for Node.js v12 and Node.js v14 versions in your Catalyst functions. You can select any of these versions while creating a Node.js function in the remote console, or while initializing it or setting it up from the CLI. You can upgrade your existing functions to the latest supported version from the remote console.


Deprecation of Node.js v10: Catalyst is beginning the deprecation of Node.js v10, effective immediately. The deprecation period in Catalyst will be until July 31, 2022. Please ensure you upgrade your existing Node.js v10 functions to the latest supported runtime to ensure stability and security in your Catalyst application.


New Demo App in the Console: Catalyst users can now access and test a demo app that is readily configured and populated with data. The ‘Polls’ app enables users to create polls instantly, and share them on social media. You can also vote on any polls and view real-time data reports in the app. This demo app is now available for all users in the index page of their remote console.


Status and Time Filters in Cron Execution History: You can now filter the executions listed in a cron’s execution history based on the status or time of the executions. You can select a status such as Timeout or CodeException, and a time range such as the last 1 hour from drop-downs, to view executions matching these criteria.


Catalyst CLI v1.8.0 Release: Catalyst CLI v1.8.0 is out now with enhancements related to Node.js v12 and v14 versions, context-sensitive help, and the availability of IN DC while using the –dc option to execute a command from a specific data center.

2021 - July


Changes in Automatic Disabling of Cron After Repeated Failures: Catalyst automatically disabled a cron job that failed to execute successfully for 50 times in a row. We have now made enhancements to include this feature only for the crons associated with an external URL through webhooks, and not for crons associated with Cron Functions.

That is, a cron linked to a Cron Function will not be automatically disabled even after consecutive failures. You can check for a cron’s execution history from the console, and disable it manually or perform fixes as needed.


Enhancements in Circuit Compilation Error Handling: Catalyst Circuits now includes compilation error handling. Catalyst performs a compilation error check in a circuit’s configuration or structure right after you save the circuit. This will list the non-dependant and possible errors identified in a circuit’s state configurations, design, and logic flow, even before you execute the circuit.


End of Free Trial: We are ending the free trial of the Catalyst accounts of existing production environment users on August 1, 2021. Users will be priced for their Catalyst usage from that point onward. Users who haven’t used the production environment yet will be asked to set up their Catalyst payment method and add their payment details before they deploy their first project.


Complimentary Wallet Credits: We are pleased to offer $250 as complimentary wallet credits for all existing users. Users can use this credit amount for their Catalyst payments. This amount will be reflected in their Catalyst wallets on August 1, 2021, if they are existing production environment users. For others, the credits will be available in their wallet after they deploy their first project.


Minor Bug Fixes in Text Analytics: We have resolved an issue in the Text Analytics UI wherein certain keywords displayed in the Keyword Extraction release_month_year were not highlighted in some cases.

2021 - June

New feature

Text Analytics API, SDK, and Testing in the Console: Catalyst introduces Text Analytics as a Zia AI-driven service that processes textual content to perform these three operations on it: Sentiment Analysis, Named Entity Recognition, and Keyword Extraction. You can process text for these operations individually, or for all three together using the Java or Node.js SDK, and the APIs. You can also test them from the Catalyst console.

New feature

Support for IN Data Center: Catalyst is now hosted in an IN data center and is accessible from an IN domain. IN users can now access the Catalyst remote console from the IN domain. The multi-DC support is also reflected while implementing Catalyst OAuth 2.0 Authentication to access the REST APIs. The base API URI of Catalyst APIs are changed accordingly. Refer to the Multi-DC Support API documentation. You can also disable or enable access to your application to users of the IN DC from the Zoho API console after registering your client.

Enhancements related to the IN data center are also reflected while logging into the Catalyst CLI. Catalyst SDK packages are also now compatible with the IN DC.

Note: Circuits and Push Notifications features will not be available for the users accessing from the IN DC.

New feature

Brand new Product Tour in the Catalyst Console: New users of the Catalyst console can now access a product tour that will navigate them across all the components, features, and settings available in the console with brief explanations. This guided walkthrough is designed to familiarize the user with the Catalyst environment, and help them get started with their application building.


Enhancements and Additional Features in Event Listeners: We have implemented new features in Event Listeners, such as Queued Events which display the events that are currently being processed, and Processed Events which contain the execution history of the processed events after they exit the queue.

The Event Listeners UI console has also undergone some upgrades that enhance and simplify the user experience, like the availability of the day’s stats inside an event listener’s page.


New Query Operations and Features in ZCQL: ZCQL now includes a host of new functionalities that will improve your coding experience. You can now perform data insertion, updation, and deletion operations on the Catalyst Data Store using ZCQL, in addition to the data retrieval operations. ZCQL also offers support for additional features such as the LIKE and BETWEEN operators in the WHERE clause, and partial data insertion.


Advanced Memory Configurations in Functions: Catalyst now enables you to configure memory allocations for each of your functions, while creating them. You can choose from a memory range of 128 MB to 512 MB to allocate for the function’s execution.

The default memory allocated for a function is 256 MB. All the functions that you created prior to this feature availability will be allocated the default memory automatically. You can modify this any time you need from the console, or from the CLI using this command.


CLI Version v1.70 Release: Catalyst CLI has been upgraded to version v1.70 with an IN DC login option, and other enhancements.


Domain Mappings: You will now be able to work with Domain Mappings to map your own domain addresses with Catalyst applications only in the production environment of your project.


Minor changes in Java Compilation: Compiled Java function classes will now be available in the .output directory in your Java function’s package.

2021 - May

New feature

Integration with Cliq through Integration Functions: Catalyst now supports a new function type called Integration Functions, which can be coded and used as the backend for other Zoho services. You can currently establish an integration with Zoho Cliq and build extensions that bundle the following Cliq internal tools: Bots, Commands, Message Actions, Widgets, and Functions. When these services are accessed in Cliq, it will automatically invoke the execution of the Integration function coded in the Catalyst through a HTTP call.


Inclusion of additional time ranges and other enhancements in Logs: You can now select a variety of time ranges to search for function logs, and also select a custom time range from a calendar and view records of the function executions in that range. You can also filter the logs of Cron and Event function executions by providing their unique Execution ID, and view details of that execution alone. We have also included direct links from Event Listeners and Cron executions to Catalyst Logs.


Bug-Fixes in Application Performance Monitoring: We have fixed a bug faced by some users that caused the inability to enable or disable APM after the initial start.


Bug- fixes in passing data in Functions: Catalyst now supports passing data of the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the request body of a function call, and not in its query parameters as earlier.


Bug-Fixes in Function Executions: Fixes were made to address certain function execution failure issues, that was caused because of function calls and associated log activities being performed simultaneously. This issue had previously led to the function calls resulting in an error 500.


Minor bug-fixes in Logs: Fixes were made to address the issue that prevented certain users from viewing the logs of their function executions in the Production environment.


Bulk Write API: Performance optimizations were made in Bulk Write API

2021 - March

New feature

Support for EU Data Center: Catalyst is now hosted in a EU data center and is accessible from a EU domain. EU users can now access the Catalyst remote console from the EU domain. The multi-DC support is also reflected while implementing Catalyst OAuth 2.0 Authentication to access the REST APIs. The base API URI of Catalyst APIs are changed accordingly. Refer to the Multi-DC Support API documentation. You can also provide access to your application to users of a specific DC from the Zoho API console after registering your client.

Enhancements related to the EU data center are also reflected while logging into the Catalyst CLI. Catalyst SDK packages are also now compatible with the EU DC.

Note: Circuits and Push Notifications features are not available for the users accessing from the EU DC.


Changes in the domain of Catalyst application URLs: The app domain of all Catalyst application URLs will now be ‘’ instead of ‘’. That is, Catalyst application URLs will now be of the format “”.

This change will be automatically reflected in all your function and web client URLs of your previous and future Catalyst projects. URLs with the older app domain will still work for some time and will be deprecated soon after that. We will announce the date of deprecation shortly. You can find your application URLs of both the Development and Production environments in the Environments settings of your project. The resources that you deploy from the CLI will be deployed to URLs of the new domain.


Catalyst Web SDK version 2.0.0: We have now released a newer version of Catalyst Web SDK which comes with enhancements in the initialization script. You can now refer to an init.js file from your app’s domain which will automatically populate the essential details of your project, such as the Project ID and ZAID for the appropriate environment. You can find the latest Web SDK script in the Developer Tools settings and in the Sign-in Method release_month_year of Authentication.


Configuring multiple rules in APIG from the CLI: You can now configure multiple rules in API Gateway with same request URL for different request methods from the CLI. This feature was not available from the CLI earlier, and was only possible from the remote console.


Bug fixes in fetching redirect URL: We have made fixes to address the error that was thrown when there was a conflict in the login redirect value configured in API Gateway and in the client-package.json file. Catalyst will now give priority to the value configured in API Gateway.

2021 - February

New feature

Application Performance Monitoring: We have introduced the Application Performance Monitoring feature in the console which provides valuable and in-depth insights about the executions of the functions in your Catalyst application.


Major upgrades in Catalyst Android and iOS SDK Packages: We have revamped the Catalyst Android and iOS SDK packages to include a host of tools for Authentication, Data Store, Functions, and more. You will also now be able to register your mobile app packages in the Catalyst console to download the configuration files to include in your mobile apps. Refer to our revamped Android SDK documentation and iOS SDK documentation for help.


Profiles and Permissions: We have introduced a new permission to add or delete mobile SDK packages for Android and iOS apps from the console.


Testing Local Authentication from the CLI: We have provided enhancements to enable the authentication flow in your Catalyst applications to be tested locally using the catalyst serve command. You can now host and test web apps with iFrames in them, using the local server.


Login Redirect obtained from APIG: The login redirect value that you configure in your Catalyst applications will be fetched from API Gateway rules, if available, instead of the client-package.json file. If you have not configured API Gateway for your project, it will be fetched from client-package.json.


Login Redirect as URL: You can now provide the login redirect value in your Catalyst applications as a URL path instead of a direct resource, such as a HTML file.


CLI token Option: Bug-fixes were made to rectify unexpected errors that were occurring while using the CLI token option.


Security bug-fixes in Node.js SDK: We have addressed security issues pertaining to the user scope, and provided enhancements to strengthen the security in the admin scope in Node.js SDK.


Minor bug-fixes in Java SDK Connectors: Fixes were made to rectify Connectors throwing null pointer exceptions in the Java SDK.

2021 - January

New feature

Collaborators: You can now categorize Collaborators as project members or admins of the account, and grant permissions to project members through profiles.

New feature

Profiles and Permissions: You can now assign profiles to project members and grant them specific sets of permissions that define their access to Catalyst features, for each project.

New feature

Zia Facial Comparison: We have introduced Zia Facial Comparison to compare two faces in two different images and analyze the facial features to determine if they are the same individual. This is available as an API, and in Java and Node.js SDKs.

New feature

Bulk Delete Rows: We have introduced the bulk delete feature for deleting records in bulk from a specific table in the Data Store. The feature is available as an API and in the Java and Node.js.

New feature

Zia OCR PAN Card type support: Zia Optical Character Recognition can now process Indian PAN cards, in addition to Aadhaar cards, bank passbooks, and cheques. This feature is available as an API, and in Java and Node.js SDKs.


Zia OCR Aadhaar: Minor changes were implemented in the SDK methods for providing the image files of the Aadhaar card, in Java and Node.js SDKs.


Zia OCR Cheque: Minor changes were implemented in the SDK methods for providing the image files of the cheque, in Java and Node.js SDKs.


CLI Shell: We have now implemented soft kill for the CLI Functions shell operations, if the user terminates a shell operation abruptly.


CLI Login: The server timeout for CLI login without browser has now been extended to 60 seconds from 30 seconds.


CLI Serve and Deploy: The –except option for the catalyst serve and catalyst deploy commands can now exclude only one function and serve/deploy the others.


CLI Scripts: Catalyst now enables you to configure scripts for specific functions in the directory, and prevents the scripts from executing for the other functions.


CLI Serve: Minor bug-fixes and performance improvements were implemented in the catalyst serve command.

2020 - December


Catalyst Logs: We have enhanced Catalyst Logs to display contextual data relevant to the function stack that you select. Node.js functions now also have different log levels from those of Java functions.


Data Store: We have now included the Table ID of each table included under the table’s name in the Data Store.


Web Client: The literal ‘WebApp’ has been changed to ‘Web Client’ in multiple places in the Catalyst console for standardization purposes.


AutoML: Some API calls were throwing the 400 error response in AutoML. This has been fixed.


Data Store: Some Encrypted column creation operations were throwing the 400 error response. This has been fixed.


API: The HTTP PATCH request method was not supported earlier. Catalyst now supports PATCH requests for certain APIs.

Last Updated 2025-03-11 13:27:23 +0530 +0530