Hosted Authentication Type

This is a Native Catalyst Authentication type that enables you to host your login element on dedicated pages. You can configure and design the authentication from the console, and Catalyst will render it for your application and handle all the backend requirements.


Hosted authentication enables you to create and style your entire login element as per your preferences. The customization includes adding your company’s logo in the login elements, and the background and predominant colors of the windows and buttons.

You can additionally implement Social Login options with popular Identity providers (IdP), such as Zoho, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Microsoft 365, by inputting the Client ID and Client Secret generated from the IdPs console.

The hosted login element is made up of three pages, and Catalyst hosts each of these on a separate page with individual URLs:

  • The Sign Up Page: This page enables the end user to sign up for your application by entering their first name, last name, and email address. They can also click the Sign in option, if they have already signed up to your application. cloud_scale_authentication_hosted_signup
Note: You need to enable Public Signup to view the Sign Up page
  • The Sign In Page: This page enables your existing end user to log in to your application with their email address and password. cloud_scale_authentication_hosted_login

  • The Password Reset page: This page enables your user to enter their email, mobile number or username to reset their password. cloud_scale_authentication_hosted_pwdreset

Note: The secure URLs containing the endpoints for the Sign Up, Sign In, and Password Reset pages of your Hosted Login are automatically generated by Catalyst, and can be incorporated into your application client.

Last Updated 2023-05-08 18:05:05 +0530 +0530