General Syntax of SELECT

ZCQL supports data retrieval query operations using the SELECT command. This command lets you select a column or a set of columns from a base table and view the data records within the command’s scope.

The general syntax for a basic ZCQL data retrieval operation is as follows:


  • The base table is the table you execute the query on.
  • You need not use the end-of-statement delimiter (;) at the end of a ZCQL query, while executing it in the ZCQL console.

The base table is the table you execute the query on.

We will discuss each ZCQL operation in detail with an example database and sample queries that you can execute on it.

Example Database:

Imagine you’re developing a ticket booking application where users can view the movie listings and showtimes for various theaters in a city, and can book movie tickets using the application. Let’s create a table named ‘Movies’ that contains the showtime listings of the movies played in various theaters.

Sample records from the Movies table are given below:

MovieID MovieName ShowDate ShowTime TheaterID
2056 The First Purge 2018-07-13 13:00:00 047
2057 Ant-Man and the Wasp 2018-07-13 14:20:00 052
2058 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation 2018-07-14 17:00:00 052
2059 Skyscraper 2018-07-14 21:30:00 053


The SELECT statement is used to select the columns from a base table and display its records. You should mention the names of the columns that are to be displayed in the result set.

The syntax for using a basic SELECT statement is:

SELECT column_name(s) FROM base_table_name


To select the MovieID and MovieName columns from the Movies table, execute the following query:

SELECT MovieID, MovieName from Movies

It will generate the following output:

MovieID MovieName
2056 The First Purge
2057 Ant-Man and the Wasp
2058 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
2059 Skyscraper

For columns that have been named using integers, you need to add the backtick ` punctuation to diffrencitate between column name and value.

For example, a SELECT query on a table called Numbers with a column named 01 can be written in the following manner

SELECT `01` FROM Numbers

Note: You can fetch a maximum of 20 columns and a maximum of 300 rows in one SELECT query. If you require more records to be fetched, you can use the LIMIT clause to iterate the query and specify the offset and value accordingly.


You can fetch records from all the columns of a base table, instead of selecting records from a particular column or columns, by using a ‘*’ following the SELECT statement. The ‘*’ denotes all the columns of the base table.

The syntax for selecting all the columns from a base table is:

SELECT * FROM base_table_name

Note: SELECT * allows you to fetch a maximum of 300 rows in one query. If you require more records to be fetched, you can use the LIMIT clause to iterate the query and specify the offset and value accordingly.


To display the records from all the columns of the Movies table, execute the following query:


This will display records from all the columns in the Movies table.

MovieID MovieName ShowDate ShowTime TheaterID
2056 The First Purge 2018-07-13 13:00:00 047
2057 Ant-Man and the Wasp 2018-07-13 14:20:00 052
2058 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation 2018-07-14 17:00:00 052
2059 Skyscraper 2018-07-14 21:30:00 053

Before we discuss the various clauses and statements available for the SELECT operation, let’s discuss the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

Last Updated 2023-08-28 18:12:09 +0530 +0530