Get Folder Details

You can retrieve the metadata of the folders created in the Catalyst File Store. You can get the details of a specific folder in the File Store of your project, or the details of all the folders in your project.

Get Details of a Specific Folder

You can obtain the details of a specific folder by creating a folder instance as mentioned here. You will need to fetch the File Store instance first, and use it to fetch the folder instance.

Ensure the following packages are imported:

import com.zc.component.files.ZCFile; import com.zc.component.files.ZCFolder;

You can refer to the specific folder whose metadata you require to be fetched in two ways:

Refer to the Folder by its ID

You can specify the unique Folder ID of the folder to be fetched to the getFolder() method, as shown below.

//Get an instance of the File Store ZCFile fileStore = ZCFile.getInstance(); //Get Folder Details by passing the Folder ID ZCFolder folderDetails = fileStore.getFolder(1510000000109393L);

Refer to the Folder by its Name

You can specify the name of the folder to be fetched to the getFolder() method, as shown below.

//Get an instance of the File Store ZCFile fileStore = ZCFile.getInstance(); //Get Folder Details by passing the folder name ZCFolder folderDetails = fileStore.getFolder("EmpDetails");

Get Details of All Folders

If you want to fetch the details of all the folders in your Catalyst project, use the following variant of the getFolder() method:

Ensure the following packages are imported:

import com.zc.component.files.ZCFile; import com.zc.component.files.ZCFolder;
//Get an instance for the file store ZCFile fileStore = ZCFile.getInstance(); //Get All the folders in the project List<ZCFolder>folderDetails = fileStore.getFolder();

Last Updated 2024-01-04 12:37:42 +0530 +0530