CLI Command Reference
You must have Catalyst CLI installed in your system to access the Catalyst commands. Refer to the Installing Catalyst CLI help page for the steps.
Command Syntax | Usage |
-v | –version | Print the Catalyst CLI version number |
-p | –project <name_or_project_id> | Specify the Catalyst project to be used for a command |
–org <org id> | Specify the Catalyst organization to be used for a command. Used with the -p option. |
–token <token> | Supply an authentication token for a command |
–dc <us|eu|in|au|ca> | Supply a data center for a command |
–verbose | Change the log level to verbose for debugging purposes |
-h | –help | Display help for a Catalyst command |
Command Syntax | Usage |
login [options] | Log the CLI in to your Catalyst account |
token:generate [options] | Generate a token to authenticate accessing the CLI from a remote system |
token:list | List all the available tokens generated in this CLI |
token:revoke <id> | Revoke a token generated in this CLI |
whoami | Print the email address of the user currently logged in |
init [feature] [options] | Initialize a Catalyst project, function, AppSail, and client resources in the local directory |
project:list | List all the Catalyst projects you have access to |
project:use [name_or_project_id] | Set an active Catalyst project for your working directory |
project:reset | Clear an active project selection and reset to the base project |
pull [feature] | Pull resources of your project from the remote console to the local directory |
iac:export [options] | Export a project's code and configurations as a ZIP file |
iac:import [options][file_path] | Import a project's ZIP file and create a new project in the console |
iac:pack [zip_name] | Generate an import-ready ZIP file of a project in the standard format |
iac:status [options]<operation> | Obtain the current status of a scheduled import or export job |
functions:setup | Set up and configure the function directory in your project directory |
functions:add | Add a function of the required stack to the function directory |
functions:config [function_name_or_id] [options] | Perform advanced configurations such as memory allocation on a function in your project |
functions:shell [options] | Launch a node shell to test emulated functions of any stack or type, other than Advanced I/O functions |
functions:delete [function_name_or_id] [options] | Delete a function from the remote console or the local directory |
config:set <key=value> | Set Catalyst configuration as a key value pair |
config:get <key> | Get Catalyst config value for the specified key |
config:list | List all Catalyst configurations |
config:delete <key> | Delete a key from Catalyst config |
appsail:add | Associate an existing Catalyst project directory with an AppSail service |
client:setup | Set up and configure the client directory in your project directory |
client:delete [client_version] [options] | Delete a version of the client from the remote console or the local directory |
ds:import [~CSV_file_path] [options] | Bulk write records to a table in the Catalyst Data Store |
ds:export [options] | Bulk read records from a table in the Catalyst Data Store |
ds:status <operation> [job_id] [options] | Display the job status of a Data Store import or export operation |
apig:enable | Enable API Gateway for your project |
apig:disable | Disable API Gateway for your project |
apig:status [options] | Obtain the current status of API Gateway for your project and the schedule progress |
event:generate | generate:event <source> <action> [options] | Generate sample payloads from different components or custom event sources to test Event functions |
event:generate:integ <service> [options] | Generate sample payloads for the required integration service to test Integration functions |
run-script | run [command] | Run a particular command script defined in catalyst.json |
serve [options] | Serve Basic I/O, Advanced I/O, BrowserLogic functions, AppSail, and the client, to test them locally |
deploy [options] [feature] | Deploy the Catalyst project and project resources to the remote console from the local directory |
help [command] | Display the command reference or help for a specific command |
logout | Log the CLI out of your Catalyst account |
Note: If you are a Visual Studio Code IDE user, you can install the Catalyst Tools extension, and perform these CLI operations using your IDE in place of the CLI. You can find more details about the Catalyst VS Code extension from this help section.
Last Updated 2024-01-09 17:07:13 +0530 +0530
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