
by Zoho

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Release Notes

Stay updated with the latest news on feature releases, enhancements, bug fixes, and more,
made in various Catalyst services, components, and developer environments.

CLI Release Notes

New Features
Bug Fixes
New Solution

2024 - July


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.6: We have published a new patch version v1.17.6 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Bug Fixes: Fixes were made in the catalyst serve command’s execution that created a ports range collision when more than ten functions of the same flavour where served.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.17.6

2024 - April


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.5: We have published a new patch version v1.17.5 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Enhancements: We have now made the –org <org_id> option as optional while using the -p | –project <name_or_project_id> optional. Earlier, it was mandatory. Now, if the –org option is not used with the -p or –project option, the default organization will be considered for the command execution.

Bug Fixes: Fixes were made in the catalyst serve command’s execution that threw a “Cannot copy ‘<relative-path>’ to a subdirectory of itself” error while executing in the default watch mode.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.5

2024 - March

Bug Fix

CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.4: We have released a new version v1.17.4 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Commands affected : catalyst serve, catalyst functions:shell

Bug Fix :

We have fixed the bugs that threw ENAMETOOLONG or E2BIG errors when serving Catalyst Serverless functions.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli @1.17.4

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in Catalyst SmartBrowz : When executing browser logic functions from the CLI, errors were thrown due to the mismatch of Puppetteer version. We have fixed them now.

2024 - February


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.3: We have released a new version v1.17.3 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Enhancements: Catalyst now allows you to perform write operations directly in your function’s current working directory by enhancing the function execution flow.

  • Updates in function memory configuration : You can now configure distinct memory values for the memory key in the catalyst-config.json file of your Catalyst project.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.3

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in CLI v1.17.3: While executing a Catalyst Python function using the functions:shell command, incorrect current working directory values were being supplied to the function. We have fixed that now.

2023 - December

Bug Fix

CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.2:

We have released a new version v1.17.2 of the Catalyst CLI that includes the following changes:

Commands affected : catalyst serve

Bug fix : We have handled the ENOENT error thrown while serving Python functions, especially from the windows OS.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal.

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.2


CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.1: We have released a new version v1.17.1 of the Catalyst CLI as a patch update that includes the following changes:

  • Change: Updates in Java Advanced I/O function’s boiler plate code

  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused issues in Java function compilations in Windows OS

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.1
New Features

CLI Version Upgrade v1.17.0: We have released a new version, v1.17.0 of the Catalyst CLI.

  • Commands affected: catalyst login, Catalyst Option –dc<us|eu|in|au|ca>

  • New Feature: Support for CA (Canada) data center
    CA users can select CA as their DC while logging into their Catalyst account from the CLI, and avail the –dc option with ca while executing the CLI commands.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that threw an error while executing the catalyst serve command from other file paths within the project directory
  • Fixed a bug that caused compilation errors and warning logs to be produced in Java functions while using the catalyst functions:shell, catalyst deploy and catalyst pull commands
  • Fixes were made to prevent the .classpath file in Java functions getting altered while performing operations with the CLI in Windows OS
  • Minor fixes to prevent occasional failures in the catalyst login command

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.17.0

2023 - November


CLI version upgrade v1.16.2: We have released a patch version v1.16.2 of the Catalyst CLI.

Commands affected : catalyst login

Change : We have improved security in the catalyst login command by adding state param validation.

You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.16.2

Bug Fix

Bug Fixes in CLI: Bug fixes were made to prevent graceful shutdown of Catalyst Serverless functions when using catalyst serve command in the version v1.16.2.

Command affected : catalyst serve

2023 - October


CLI version upgrade 1.16.1: We have released a patch version v1.16.1 of the Catalyst CLI. We have enabled the provision of executing Catalyst applications on the default localhost server in addition to the Catalyst server endpoint instances, after a project is deployed to the console from the CLI.

Command affected: catalyst deploy

Changes: The CLI will now provide a deployment URL, as well as a localhost URL when this command is executed. You can install this version by executing this command in your terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli@1.16.1


Catalyst Angular plugin version upgrade 1.0.0: We have released a patch version v1.0.0 of the Catalyst Angular plugin, zcatalyst-cli-plugin-angular which includes support for Angular 15.

You can install this version by executing the following command in the terminal:

npm install zcatalyst-cli-plugin-angular@1.0.0


Angular Schematics version upgrade 1.0.0: We have released a patch version v1.0.0 of the zcatalyst-angular-schematics package, which includes support for Angular 15.

2023 - September


Support for Java v11, v17, and Node.js 18 Runtimes: We now provide support for Java v11, v17 and Node.js 18. You can select the latest runtimes when you initialize a Catalyst function from the CLI.


Catalyst Functions Update: Now when you pass an empty query parameter while executing a Calayst function, the parameter will be available with an empty string value instead of it being unavailable in the functions code.

2023 - August


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0: We have released a stable version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0 which includes all bug fixes of its beta versions. In this CLI upgrade, the lifecycle scripts such as preserve, redeploy, postserve and postdeploy will be executed in the source directory of the component.

2023 - July


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.6: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.6, that includes enhancements for displaying logs in the CLI for Catalyst client and function executions. We have also included handler function responses for the Catalyst ConvoKraft service.

2023 - June

New Features

Introducing Catalyst ConvoKraft: Catalyst now allows you to create an Integration Function of type ConvoKraft from the Catalyst CLI to develop the backend logic of your bots. Now this can be done when you initialize a Catalyst function in the CLI using the commands to setup or add a new function, or while creating a function from the console.

catalyst functions:setup
catalyst functions:add


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.5: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.5, that includes support for Catalyst Integration Functions of the type ConvoKraft. This enables you to perform the CLI operations of init, test with the functions shell, deploy, and pull for the ConvoKraft Integration functions.

You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.4

2023 - May

New Features

Introducing Catalyst Extension for VS Code IDE: We have now published the Catalyst Tools Extension in the Visual Studio Code IDE that enables you to execute commands to initialize a Catalyst project, add functions, serve or deploy the application and more CLI operations directly in the IDE instead of using the CLI terminal. Read more about the installation steps of the extension from this help page.


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.4: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI v1.15.0-beta.4 that includes support for CodeLib Solutions. You can install this version by executing the below command in the Catalyst CLI:

sudo npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.4


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.2: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.2. We have fixed some routing issues in Node.js Advanced I/O functions, and the memory configuration for Browser Logic functions has now been upgraded from 256 MB to 512 MB by default when you deploy them to the development environment from the CLI. You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.2


CLI version upgrade v1.15.0-beta.3: We have released a beta version of the Catalyst CLI, v1.15.0-beta.3. This includes some bug fixes related to the creation of Catalyst Serverless Integration Functions. You can install this version by executing this command in the Catalyst CLI:

npm install -g zcatalyst-cli@1.15.0-beta.3

2023 - April

New Features
Early Access

Introducing Catalyst SmartBrowz: Catalyst introduces a dedicated browser service wherein you can manage and control a remote browser in a headless mode through the Catalyst’s cloud environment. SmartBrowz includes components such as Headless, Browser Logic, PDF & Screenshots and Templates. Catalyst allows to code your application logic as a new Serverless function type, Browser logic functions using either Java or Node.js programming environments. We also provide SDK packages and ready-to-use code snippets to implement and test various SmartBrowz components directly.

2023 - March

New Features
Early Access

Python Programming Support: Catalyst now provides support for Python v3.9 version in your Catalyst Serverless Functions. It also provides a Python SDK library that helps you build applications using the Python programming environment at ease. This SDK package allows you to implement and perform various operations across all Catalyst services and components.

New Features
Early Access

New Multi-Org Support: Catalyst introduces a new feature which provisions support for creating and managing multiple organizations within the same Catalyst account. You can add collaborators and grant permissions to the entire organization or specific projects in it. You can manage all your organizations directly from the Catalyst console and also set a default organization for your Catalyst account. You can also pass the org ID of an organization to execute APIs for a different org other than the default.


CLI version v1.14.1: Catalyst CLI has undergone a version upgrade to v1.14.1.You can now implement inheritable thread locale while coding Catalyst Serverless Functions in the Java programming environment.

2023 - Febuary

New Features

Support for AU DC: Catalyst is now hosted in an AU data center and is accessible from an AU domain. AU users can now access the Catalyst remote console from the AU domain. The multi-DC support is also reflected while implementing Catalyst Oauth 2.0 Authentication to access the REST APIs. You can also disable or enable access to your application to users of the AU DC from the Zoho API console after registering your client. Enhancements related to the AU data center are also reflected while logging into the Catalyst CLI and using the SDKs.

Circuits and Push Notifications features will not be available for the users accessing from the AU DC.

2022 - November


Deprecation of Node.js v10 The deprecation phase of Node.js v10 was announced to extend until October 31, 2022. Node.js v10 is now officially deprecated. It will be retired on January 31, 2023, following which Catalyst will end its support for the runtime.

2022 - August


Provision to include a Custom 404 page: You can now add your own 404 page in your Catalyst application, and have it shown instead of the default 404 page provided by Catalyst. You can design your page and add it in the client directory of your app. You must include its key and path in the clientpackage.json configuration file.

2022 - April


Support for Node.js v16 Functions: Catalyst now provides support for Node.js v16. You can upgrade your existing functions to the latest supported version from the remote console. You can now also select the latest runtime when you initialize the functions from the CLI.

2022 - March


Extension of Node.js v10 Deprecation: The deprecation phase of Node.js v10 has been ongoing since April 2021. The retirement date was announced as July 31, 2022 for the version. However, we have planned to extend the deprecation period of the version until October 31, 2022. Following the deprecation period, Node.js v10 will be retired on January 31, 2023, and Catalyst will end its support for the runtime.


Node.js v12 Deprecation Announcement: Node.js v12 is currently in the deprecation phase. Following the deprecation period of one year until April 30, 2023, Node.js v12 will be retired on July 31, 2023, three months after the end of the deprecation period. Catalyst will then end its support for the runtime.

2022 - January


Catalyst CLI v1.12.0: Catalyst CLI version 1.12.0 is published with several enhancements and bug-fixes in the existing CLI features and packages.


Deprecation of Angular and React Plugins as Global Packages: Catalyst will no longer support the global installation and use of Angular and React packages in the project directory. You will only be able to install these plugins in the specific app directories of the web client where they are initialized, using the CLI. Please update the code of your existing Angular and React web apps accordingly.


Deprecation of the –watch option in Functions Shell: Catalyst has removed the –watch option for the catalyst functions:shell CLI command. The watch mode will be set as the default. You can disable the default watch using the new –no-watch option while executing the command.


Cliq Integration Functions Template Update: We have updated the default code templates of some Cliq handler classes that you initialize Cliq Integration functions. This will not affect any of your existing functions.


Angular Schematics Package Update: We have reflected the updates that were made in the Angular schematics collection, in the Catalyst Angular plugin.


Angular and React Plugin Upgrades: Catalyst Angular and React plugins have been updated to support updated LTS versions of the respective frameworks- Angular v12.2.15 and React v17.0.2.

Bug Fixes

Bug-Fixes in IN DC: Minor bug-fixes were made in the static URL handling of the IN data center, where in some instances the static URLs pointed to the US DC instead of the IN DC.

Bug Fixes

Bug-Fixes in CLI Dependancy Package: Fixes were made to update the dependancy clone package cli-table3 to reflect the latest patch updates made in the original package.

Bug Fixes

Bug-Fixes in catalyst serve: Fixes were made in the catalyst serve CLI command to address the issue where the serving of a minified HTML file caused the script injection logic to render an extra character.

2021 - November

New Feature

Angular and React Web Client Apps: Catalyst has released support for Angular and React web client application templates, and provides custom plugins for them to facilitate a better app development experience. You can now initialize or set up the web client in your project as an Angular app, React app, or the basic web app which was available earlier. You can test and deploy these apps similar to the other components of your project.

New Feature

Catalyst CLI v1.11.0 Release: We have released Catalyst CLI v1.11.0 with the support for Angular and React web client applications.

2021 - October

New Feature

Project Export and Import Operations in the CLI: You can now perform the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) operations of exporting and importing projects from the CLI. You can export a project’s component configurations, functions, and client code, without any data, as an external ZIP file. This project ZIP file can be imported as a new project into any Catalyst account.

2021 - September

Bug Fixes

Catalyst CLI v1.9.1 Release: We have released Catalyst CLI v1.9.1 implementing some bug fixes in the –only option of the catalyst serve command, where the client component did not get served in some cases.


Catalyst CLI v1.9.0 Release: Catalyst CLI v1.9.0 is out now with enhancements in the CLI serve command. The serve command now includes a –watch option that enables a hot reload of the serve session whenever changes are detected in the target files. This allows you to modify your resources while the serve session is still active.

2021 - August

New Feature

Context-Sensitive Help in CLI: Catalyst CLI will now display context-sensitive help, when you encounter an error during a CLI command execution. Catalyst will analyze the error dynamically to understand the usage of the command and the reason behind the error occurrence, and provide you custom help for the specific scenario. The CLI will suggest actions that you can take to rectify or prevent the error, and provide a relevant help link to implement the fix.


Support for Node.js v12 and v14 Functions: Catalyst now provides support for Node.js v12 and Node.js v14 versions in your Catalyst functions. You can select any of these versions while initializing it or setting it up from the CLI.


Deprecation of Node.js v10: Catalyst is beginning the deprecation of Node.js v10, effective immediately. The deprecation period in Catalyst will be until July 31, 2022. Please ensure you upgrade your existing Node.js v10 functions to the latest supported runtime to ensure stability and security in your Catalyst application.


Catalyst CLI v1.8.0 Release: Catalyst CLI v1.8.0 is out now with enhancements related to Node.js v12 and v14 versions, context-sensitive help, and the availability of IN DC while using the –dc option to execute a command from a specific data center.

2021 - June

New Feature

Support for IN Data Center: Catalyst is now hosted in an IN data center and is accessible from an IN domain. Enhancements related to the IN data center are reflected while logging into the Catalyst CLI. You will be able to select the DC to log in to from the CLI.


Advanced Memory Configurations in Functions: Catalyst now enables you to configure memory allocations for each of your functions, while creating them. You can choose from a memory range of 128 MB to 512 MB to allocate for the function’s execution.

The default memory allocated for a function is 256 MB. All the functions that you created prior to this feature availability will be allocated the default memory automatically. You can modify this any time you need from the console, or from the CLI using this command.


CLI Version v1.70 Release: Catalyst CLI has been upgraded to version v1.70 with an IN DC login option, and other enhancements.


Minor changes in Java Compilation: Compiled Java function classes will now be available in the .output directory in your Java function’s package.

2021 - May

New Feature

Working with Integration Functions from the CLI: You can now initialize Integration Functions from the CLI, test them, generate sample request body for each handler cases using Event Generate, and deploy them to the remote console similar to the other function types.

2021 - March

New Feature

Support for EU Data Center: Catalyst is now hosted in a EU data center and is accessible from a EU domain. Enhancements related to the EU data center are reflected while logging into the Catalyst CLI. You will be able to select the DC to log in to from the CLI.


Changes in the domain of Catalyst application URLs: The app domain of all Catalyst application URLs will now be ‘’ instead of ‘’. That is, Catalyst application URLs will now be of the format “”.

This change will be automatically reflected in all your function and web client URLs of your previous and future Catalyst projects. URLs with the older app domain will still work for some time and will be deprecated soon after that. We will announce the date of deprecation shortly. The resources that you deploy from the CLI will be deployed to URLs of the new domain.

Bug Fixes

Configuring multiple rules in APIG from the CLI: You can now configure multiple rules in API Gateway with same request URL for different request methods from the CLI. This feature was not available from the CLI earlier, and was only possible from the remote console.

2021 - February


Testing Local Authentication from the CLI: We have provided enhancements to enable the authentication flow in your Catalyst applications to be tested locally using the catalyst serve command. You can now host and test web apps with iFrames in them, using the local server.

Bug Fixes

Login Redirect obtained from APIG: The login redirect value that you configure in your Catalyst applications will be fetched from API Gateway rules, if available, instead of the client-package.json file. If you have not configured API Gateway for your project, it will be fetched from client-package.json.

Bug Fixes

Login Redirect as URL: You can now provide the login redirect value in your Catalyst applications as a URL path instead of a direct resource, such as a HTML file.

Bug Fixes

CLI token Option: Bug-fixes were made to rectify unexpected errors that were occurring while using the CLI token option.

2021 - January


CLI Shell: We have now implemented soft kill for the CLI Functions shell operations, if the user terminates a shell operation abruptly.


CLI Login: The server timeout for CLI login without browser has now been extended to 60 seconds from 30 seconds.


CLI Serve and Deploy: The –except option for the catalyst serve and catalyst deploy commands can now exclude only one function and serve/deploy the others.


CLI Scripts: Catalyst now enables you to configure scripts for specific functions in the directory, and prevents the scripts from executing for the other functions.

Bug Fixes

CLI Serve: Minor bug-fixes and performance improvements were implemented in the catalyst serve command.

Last Updated 2024-07-16 11:41:58 +0530 +0530