File Store

Catalyst File Store provides cloud storage solutions for the application files and user data files of your Catalyst application, and enables access to shared data. You can store, manage, and organize images, videos, text files, document files, spreadsheets, or files of other formats.

Get a Component Instance

A component instance is an object that can be used to access the pre-defined configurations specific to a particular component. This process will not fire a server-side call. Also note that this component instance will be used in multiple scenarios while using the File Store component in your Catalyst application.

The app reference used in the code below is the Python object returned as a response during SDK initialization. You can create a new filestore_serviceinstance as shown below :

#Get filestore component instance filestore_service = app.filestore()

Last Updated 2024-01-04 12:37:42 +0530 +0530


File Store