Catalyst Tools Commands and Operations

A list of commands that can be accessed from the command palette in the VS Code IDE and the operations that can be performed using the Catalyst Tools extension is given below:


You can execute these commands by selecting them from the command palette drop-down while using the extension. You can access the drop-down list by searching for “>Catalyst:” in the command palette.


CLI Commands Description
Catalyst: Whoami Display the username and email address of the account you have used to log in to Catalyst.
Catalyst: Login to Catalyst Log in to your Catalyst account directly from the IDE. You must log in before you can perform any of the other operations.
Catalyst: Logout from Catalyst Sign out of your Catalyst account.
Catalyst: Enable verbose Enable verbose in logs. You can view the logs directly in your IDE by accessing Help>toggle developer tools.
Catalyst: Disable verbose Disable verbose in logs.
Catalyst: Focus on Catalyst Configs View Directs you to the CATALYST CONFIGS section of the extension.
Catalyst: Focus on Client View Directs you to the CLIENT section of the extension.
Catalyst: Focus on HTTP Functions View Directs you to the HTTP FUNCTIONS section of the extension.
Catalyst: Focus on HTTP Functions View Directs you to the NON HTTP FUNCTIONS ssection of the extension.


List of all CLI operations that can be performed in the Visual Studio Code IDE using the Catalyst Tools extension is given below:

CLI Operations Description
login Log in to your Catalyst account.
whoami View the username and email address of the account you have used to sign in with Catalyst.
token:generate Generate tokens to authenticate access to your Catalyst account without logging in.
token:revoke Disable an authentication token that you had previously generated.
token:list View a list of all the tokens that are associated with your account.
project:list List all the projects associated created in your account.
project:use Use a particular project associated with your Catalyst account.
project:reset Undo the project:use operation.
init Initialize the Catalyst Project, HTTP and non-HTTP functions, and the client components.
apig:status Check if API Gateway (a Catalyst Cloud Scale Security & Identity component) is enabled or disabled.
apig:enable Enable API Gateway for your project.
apig:disable Disable API Gateway for your project.
pull Pull a function, client, or an API Gateway file.
client:setup Set up the client component in an existing project.
client:delete Delete an older version of the client component.
functions:setup Set up a function in an existing project.
functions:add Add a new function in your functions directory.
functions:delete Delete a function in your project.
serve Serve project resources in your local environment.
deploy Deploy project resources to the remote console.
logout Sign out of Catalyst.

Last Updated 2023-09-03 01:06:41 +0530 +0530