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Catalyst ConvoKraft Help Documentation

Explore Catalyst’s powerful AI service that allows you to build and embed conversational bots in your Catalyst solutions
which can interact with your application’s users and respond to queries, perform actions, or fetch data.


Browse through frequently asked questions and find quick solutions to common queries and challenges on working with Catalyst ConvoKraft.

What is Catalyst ConvoKraft?
Catalyst ConvoKraft is an AI-driven service used to build conversational bots that can be configured to comprehend users message, its intent and respond back conversationally in English. You can configure the backend logic of the ConvoKraft bots using Catalyst Integration Functions or Deluge. You can also code it any programming language of your choice, store it in any publicly accessible external servers and access them in ConvoKraft using Webhooks.
How do I embed the ConvoKraft bot in my application?
We provide a JavaScript Client SDK package that allows you to embed the ConvoKraft bot in your application at ease. It contains elements to customize the chat window such as the header, title, alignment etc. Refer this page to know more about the various elements and their usage.
How do I use handlers when I am not developing my bot logic in Deluge?
If you choose to develop the bot logic of your ConvoKraft bots using Catalyst Integration Functions or access the backend logic coded in any external servers using Webhooks, then you can simply enable the required handlers (Welcome Message Handler, Fallback Handler, Failure Handler) and then code the logic in the respective handler functions in your codebase. You can learn more about this from this page.
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