Configure the Advanced I/O Function

Next, we will begin coding the to-do list application by configuring the function component.

The function’s directory, functions/to_do_list_function contains:

  • The main function file

  • The catalyst-config.json configuration file

  • The requirements.txt file to mention any external libraries that you might add.

You will be adding code in the file.

The three APIs in the Advanced I/O function that handle the routing between the server and the Data Store are:

  • GET /todo: To obtain the to-do list items from the TodoItems table in the Data Store

  • POST /todo: To create and save a new list item in the Data Store

  • DELETE /todo: To delete a list item from the Data Store

Next, let’s add the code in the function file. Copy the Python code and paste it in in the functions/to_do_list_function directory of your project, and save the file. You can use any IDE of your choice to work with the application’s files.

Note: Please go through the code given in this section to ensure you fully understand it. We will discuss the architecture of the function and the client in the next section.
import json import zcatalyst_sdk import logging from flask import Request, make_response, jsonify logger = logging.getLogger() def handler(request: Request): try: app = zcatalyst_sdk.initialize() logger = logging.getLogger() if request.path == "/add" and request.method == 'POST': req_data = request.get_json() notes = req_data.get("notes") table = app.datastore().table('TodoItems') row = table.insert_row({ 'Notes': notes }) todo_item = {'id': row['ROWID'], 'notes': notes} response_data = { 'status': 'success', 'data': { 'todoItem': todo_item } } return make_response(jsonify(response_data), 200) elif request.path == "/all" and request.method == 'GET': page = request.args.get('page') per_page = request.args.get('perPage') page = int(page) per_page = int(per_page) zcql_service = app.zcql() row_count = zcql_service.execute_query('SELECT COUNT(ROWID) FROM TodoItems') row_id = int(row_count[0]['TodoItems']['ROWID']) has_more = int(row_id) > (page) * (per_page) query_result = zcql_service.execute_query(f'SELECT ROWID, Notes FROM TodoItems LIMIT {(page - 1) * per_page + 1},{per_page}') todo_items = [{'id': item['TodoItems']['ROWID'], 'notes': item['TodoItems']['Notes']} for item in query_result] get_resp = { 'status': 'success', 'data': { 'todoItems': todo_items, 'hasMore': has_more } } return make_response(jsonify(get_resp), 200) elif request.method == 'DELETE': row_id = request.path[1:] if row_id: datastore_service = app.datastore() table_service = datastore_service.table("ToDoItems") table_service.delete_row(row_id) row_response = { 'status': 'success', 'data': { 'todoItem': { 'id': row_id } }} return make_response(jsonify(row_response), 200) else: message = { 'status': 'failure', 'error': 'Please provide a valid rowid in the request path' } return make_response(jsonify(message), 400) else: print('working') except Exception as err: logger.error(f"Exception in to_do_list_function :{err}") response = make_response(jsonify({ "error": "Internal server error occurred. Please try again in some time." }), 500) return response
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The functions directory is now configured.

Last Updated 2023-12-14 16:25:23 +0530 +0530