Debug Tunneled Python Functions

For the purpose of this help documentation, we aren going to ilustrate debugging of tunneled Python functions using Visual Studio Code IDE. Depending on the IDE you are using the following steps might vary.

  1. Click the Run/Debug icon and select the functions you wish to debug. catalyst_tunneling_debug_vscode_python_start_debugging_1

  2. Click the Play button. catalyst_tunneling_debug_vscode_python_start_debugging_2

You can now easily debug your non-HTTPS and Integration functions. catalyst_tunneling_debug_vscode_python_start_debugging_3

For Python functions alone, ensure you disconnect the debugger by clicking the button shown in the image below. catalyst_tunneling_debug_vscode_start_debugging_py_alone

If you don’t disconnect your debugger, then no other tunneling requests will be made possible.

Last Updated 2024-07-23 17:40:25 +0530 +0530