Enable Zoho Sign-in

The WorkDrive Sync app contains a login page where you must sign in with valid credentials to access the app, and upload and sync files. You can implement a signup functionality for this app by yourself, if needed.

Otherwise, you can also integrate the Zoho sign-in feature that will enable you to sign in to the client application directly using your Zoho account.

Note: As mentioned in the prerequisites, you must have a Zoho WorkDrive account of the same organization as your Catalyst account to sign in with your Zoho account credentials.

To configure Zoho sign-in for the WorkDrive Sync app from the console:

  1. Navigate to Authentication under the Security & Identity section, click Setup in the Native Catalyst Authentication tab.


  1. Select Embedded Authentication. Click Next.


  1. In the Authentication Setup page, enable Public Signup and click Zoho.


  1. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes, proceed.


  1. Provide the Client Name as “WorkDriveSyncApp” and click Enable.


Note: You can enter any name you need. However, please make a note that we will be using “WorkDriveSyncApp” as the client name while initializing it in the CLI and while registering it in the Zoho API console.
  1. We will not be configuring any additional authentication settings for our application. Click Finish.


Zoho sign-in will now be available for the client application.

Last Updated 2024-06-12 17:37:03 +0530 +0530

