
Before you begin building the application, you must have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  1. Catalyst CLI

    Catalyst CLI contains a host of tools that enable you to initialize, develop, test, and deploy the components of your application from your local machine. We will be working with Catalyst CLI in this tutorial. You must perform these actions:

    1. Install Catalyst CLI: Catalyst CLI is installed through NPM. You must therefore have NPM and Node.js installed on your system before you install the CLI. Refer to the Install Catalyst CLI help page for details on the pre-requisites and the steps to install it.
    2. Login Catalyst CLI: After you install Catalyst CLI, you must authenticate the CLI with your Catalyst account before using it. Refer to the CLI Login help page for the steps to login from Catalyst CLI and the various options available for it.
  2. Zoho CRM Account

    Because the Leads module is available in all editions of Zoho CRM, you can have a configured Zoho CRM account of any edition to establish a connection with the Lead Manager application. If you don’t have a Zoho CRM account, you can sign up for it here.

  3. Install Python version 3.9

Before you begin developing your application logic in Python, please ensure you have the following package manager and programming environment installed on your local machine:

You can install Python from their official website and the pip package manager will be auto-installed in your local system. Please make sure you install the pip package manually if you install Python from other sources. You can refer to this doc for installing pip.

Note: If you have other versions of Python installed in your local machine (any version other than Python 3.9), then the execution of the Python functions in your directory will be skipped when the application is being served or deployed.

  1. Any IDE tool for Node.js and client code development

    You can use any IDE to work with the function and the client code. Some popular choices include Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Sublime Text. Download and install an IDE of your choice in your system.

Last Updated 2023-12-14 13:29:36 +0530 +0530