Configure the Integration Function

We will now configure the Integration function and add code to it.

Note: We will need to code and deploy the function to the Catalyst remote console before configuring the extension on Cliq, because we have to associate the extension with an existing function from the Catalyst console.

The Integration function’s directoryfunctions/git_hub_bot_function contains:

  • The main function file
  • Handler files
  • The catalyst-config.json configuration file
  • requirements.txt file to mention any external libraries that you might add

Copy the code given below and paste it in the, and in the functions/git_hub_bot_function directory of your project, and save the file. You can use any IDE of your choice to work with the application’s files.

We will also create a new file in this directory and add code in it.

Note: Please go through the code in this section to make sure you fully understand it. We will discuss the code at the end of this section.
import json from handlers.GithubConstants import GithubConstants import handlers.command_handler from zcatalyst_cliq.bot_handler import ( welcome_handler, message_handler, context_handler, mention_handler, menu_action_handler, webhook_handler, participation_handler, BotWelcomeHandlerRequest, BotMessageHandlerRequest, BotContextHandlerRequest, BotMentionHandlerRequest, BotMenuActionHandlerRequest, BotParticipationHandlerRequest, BotWebHookHandlerRequest, HandlerResponse ) from zcatalyst_sdk.catalyst_app import CatalystApp import logging @welcome_handler def welcome_handler_fn(req: BotWelcomeHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): res.text = f'hello {req.user.first_name}. Thank you for subscribing :smile:' return res @message_handler def msg_handler(req: BotMessageHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): msg = req.message text = '' if not msg: text = 'Please enable \'Message\' in bot settings' elif msg == "webhooktoken": btnobj = res.new_button() btnobj.type = "+" action = btnobj.new_action_object() action.type = "invoke.function" conform = action.new_confirm_object() conform.title = "Generate Webhooks for a GitLab Project" conform.description = "Connect to GitLab Projects from within Cliq" conform.input = "user_webhook_token" Actdata = action.new_action_data_obj() = "authenticate" = Actdata action.confirm = conform btnobj.action = action btnobj.label = "Create Webhook" res.add_button(btnobj) text = "Click on the token generation button below!" else: text = "Oops! Sorry, I'm not programmed yet to do this :sad:" res.text = text return res @context_handler def ctx_handler(req: BotContextHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): app: CatalystApp = args[0] if req.context_id == 'personal_details': answer = req.answers name = dept = answer.dept.text text = f'Nice! I have collected your info: \n*Name*: {name} \n*Department*: {dept}' if answer.cache.text == 'YES': try: default_segment = app.cache().segment() default_segment.put('Name', name) default_segment.put('Department', dept) text += '\nThis data is now available in Catalyst Cache\'s default segment.' except Exception as e: logging.error(e) res.set_text(text) return res @mention_handler def mention_handler(req: BotMentionHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): text = f"Hey *{req.user.first_name}*, thanks for mentioning me here. I'm from Catalyst city" res.set_text(text) return res @menu_action_handler def action(req: BotMenuActionHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): text = '' = res.new_bot_details(GithubConstants.BOT_NAME,text) if req.action_name == "Repos": reposArray = handlers.command_handler.getRepos() if len(reposArray) == 0: text = "There aren't are repos created yet." else: Slide = res.new_slide() text = "Here's a list of the *repositories*" Slide.type = 'table' Slide.title = "Repo details" headers = [] headers.append('Name') headers.append('Private') headers.append('Open Issues') headers.append('Link') data = { 'headers':headers } rows = [] for repo in reposArray: row = { "Name": repo.get("name"), "Private": "Yes" if repo.get("private") else "No", "Open Issues": repo.get("open_issues_count"), "Link": f"[Click here]({repo.get('html_url')})" } rows.append(row) data['rows'] = rows json_data = json.dumps(data) = json_data res.add_slides(Slide) else: text = 'Menu action triggered :fist:' res.set_text(text) return res @participation_handler def participation(req: BotParticipationHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): text = '' if req.operation == 'added': text = 'Hi. Thanks for adding me to the channel :smile:' elif req.operation == 'removed': text = 'Bye-Bye :bye-bye:' else: text = 'I\'m too a participant of this chat :wink:' res.set_text(text) return res @webhook_handler def webhook_fn(req: BotWebHookHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): req_body: dict = json.loads(req.body) commitJson = req_body["commits"][0] res.new_message() res.text="A new commit has been pushed!" = res.new_bot_details(GithubConstants.BOT_NAME,img='') commitMsg = res.new_slide() commitMsg.type = "text" commitMsg.title = "Commit message" = commitJson["message"] res.add_slides(commitMsg) details = res.new_slide() details.type = "label" details.title = "Details" dataArray = [] commiter = {} commiter['Committer'] = commitJson["author"]["username"] dataArray.append(commiter) repoName = {} repoName['Repo Name'] = req_body["repository"]["name"] dataArray.append(repoName) timestamp = {} timestamp['Timestamp'] = commitJson["timestamp"] dataArray.append(timestamp) compare = {} compare["Compare"] = f"[Click here]({req_body['compare']})" dataArray.append(compare) = json.dumps(dataArray) res.add_slides(details) return res
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from typing import List import json from handlers.GithubConstants import GithubConstants import zcatalyst_cliq.command_handler as command import requests from zcatalyst_cliq.command_handler import ( execution_handler, suggestion_handler, CommandHandlerRequest, CommandSuggestion, HandlerResponse ) @execution_handler def executor(req: CommandHandlerRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): text = '' = res.new_bot_details(GithubConstants.BOT_NAME,img=text) cmd = if cmd == 'commits': suggestions = req.selections if not suggestions: text = 'Please select a repo from the suggestions.' else: repoName = suggestions[0].title commitsArray = getCommits(repoName) if len(commitsArray) == 0: text = "There aren't any commits made yet." else: Slide = res.new_slide() text = f"Here's a list of the latest {GithubConstants.PER_PAGE} commits made to the repository *{repoName}*." Slide.type = "table" Slide.title = "Commit details" headers = [] headers.append('Date') headers.append('Commit message') headers.append('Committed by') headers.append('Link') data = { 'headers':headers } rows = [] for obj in commitsArray: commit = obj.get("commit") author = commit.get("author") row = { "Date": author.get("date"), "Commit message": commit.get("message"), "Committed by": author.get("name"), "Link": f"[Click here]({obj.get('html_url')})" } rows.append(row) data["rows"] = rows json_data = json.dumps(data) = json_data res.add_slides(Slide) elif cmd == 'issues': suggestions = req.selections if not suggestions: text = 'Please select a repo from the suggestions.' else: repoName = suggestions[0].title IssuesArray = getIssues(repoName) if len(IssuesArray) == 0: text = "There aren't any issues made yet." else: Slide = res.new_slide() text = f"Here's a list of the latest {GithubConstants.PER_PAGE} issues raised to the repository *{repoName}*." Slide.type = "table" Slide.title = "Issue details" headers = [] headers.append('Created At') headers.append('Title') headers.append('Created By') headers.append('Link') data = { 'headers':headers } rows = [] for issueObj in IssuesArray: row = { "Created At": issueObj.get("created_at"), "Title": issueObj.get("title"), "Created By": issueObj.get("user").get("login"), "Link": f"[Click here]({issueObj.get('html_url')})" } rows.append(row) data["rows"] = rows json_data = json.dumps(data) = json_data res.add_slides(Slide) else: text = "Slash command executed" res.text = text return res def getCommits(name): req = f"{getUsername()}/{name}/commits?per_page={GithubConstants.PER_PAGE}" headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = f'Token {GithubConstants.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}' response = requests.get(url=req,headers=headers) data = response.json() if response.status_code == 200: return data else: return [] def getUsername(): req = "" headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = f'Token {GithubConstants.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}' response = requests.get(url=req,headers=headers) data = response.json() return data["login"] def getRepos(): req = "" headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = f'Token {GithubConstants.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}' response = requests.get(url=req,headers=headers) data = response.json() return data def getIssues(repoName): req = f"{getUsername()}/{repoName}/issues?per_page={GithubConstants.PER_PAGE}" headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = f'Token {GithubConstants.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}' response = requests.get(url=req,headers=headers) data = response.json() return (data) @suggestion_handler def suggester(req: CommandHandlerRequest, res: List[CommandSuggestion], *args): suggestionList = [] reposArray = getRepos() repos = reposArray repoNames = [] for repo in repos: name = repo["name"] repoNames.append(name) if == "commits" or == "issues": for name in repoNames: sugg= CommandSuggestion(title=name) suggestionList.append(sugg) return suggestionList
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from datetime import datetime from zcatalyst_cliq import function_handler from zcatalyst_cliq.function_handler import ( button_function_handler, form_submit_handler, form_change_handler, form_dynamic_field_handler, widget_button_handler, ButtonFunctionRequest, FormFunctionRequest, WidgetFunctionRequest, HandlerResponse, FormChangeResponse, FormDynamicFieldResponse, WidgetResponse ) @button_function_handler def button_fn_handler(req: ButtonFunctionRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): text = '' if == 'authenticate': text = req.arguments.input else: text = "Button function executed" res.text = text return res @form_submit_handler def form_submit(req: FormFunctionRequest, res: HandlerResponse, *args): return {} @form_change_handler def change_form(req: FormFunctionRequest, res: FormChangeResponse, *args): return res @form_dynamic_field_handler def handle_dynamic_field(req: FormFunctionRequest, res: FormDynamicFieldResponse, *args): return res @widget_button_handler def widget_button(req: WidgetFunctionRequest, res: WidgetResponse, *args): return {} def get_button_section(): widget_response = function_handler.new_widget_response() button_section = widget_response.new_widget_section() return button_section
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Next, create a new Python file in the handlers folder and name it Add the code given below to the file.
import zcatalyst_cliq._handler class GithubConstants: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN = '{{Enter your Git personal access token here}}' PER_PAGE = 10 BOT_NAME = "GitHubBot"
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Note: After you copy and paste this code, paste the personal access token that you obtained from GitHub in Step 2 on line 5 in this code.

The functions directory is now configured.

Let’s quickly go over the code of the handler classes.We will discuss the components specified here in detail while configuring the extension.

  • The module contains the business logic of the GitHub bot component that we will configure in the Cliq extension. After you enable the chat bot, you can generate a webhook token to authenticate the connection to GitHub, list the details of your Git repositories, and obtain the details of the latest commits and issues in a repository. These actions are defined in this class.

  • The module handles the actions to be performed for the issues and commits commands. It also defines the suggestion handler that lists the repos of the Git account. The user must select a repo from the suggestion after entering the command, to execute the command for. also defines the APIs for fetching other information from the Git account.

  • The module contains the business logic of the button function that authenticates the webhook token for GitHub.

  • The class module stores the constant values of the function, such as the personal access token and the bot name.

Last Updated 2023-12-15 18:54:08 +0530 +0530


Integration Functions