
ConvoKraft hooks are functions that can be configured by the developers in the global scope of a Catalyst web application and can be accessed using the ConvoKraft object. The ConvoKraft JS SDK provisions the below listed hooks :

  • handleResponse
  • handleMissed
  • handleError
  • minimizeChat
  • didConnect
  • setOnBoarding
  • setOnBoardingSentences
  • setClientSessionData
  • handleUpload
  • handleWelcome


Based on the response provided by ConvoKraft for any action, you can handle the data and customize the visual representation of the response as per your specific requirements.

The original response sent will be sent in the data key of a Deluge function from your web application. In order to customize the response, you need to pass the data value to the following hook along with the HTML element, within which the web application can render the ConvoKraft’s original response.


convokraft.handleResponse=function(actionName,data,element,responseHandled,fromHistory,fromPagination) { //Enter logic here return true; }

The below table provides details about the various elements of the function :

Element Description
actionName The namespace of the action invoked.
data It holds the custom data that is being sent from Deluge to the hook.
element It holds ConvoKraft's custom reply element that will be displayed in the chat window.
responseHandled This is a mandatory callback function, which helps the bot to know that DOM operations are complete and it can scroll the chat div to top.
fromHistory This key contains a Boolean value that represents whether the current message being constructed is from the current session or any past sessions.
fromPagination This key contains a Boolean value that represents whether the current message being constructed is a message after a pagination call. If true, it is not advisable to call responseHandled(), so that messages don't scroll all the way down.

Sample code

convokraft.handleResponse = function(actionName,data,element,responseHandled,fromHistory,fromPagination) { if(actionName=="schedule_event") { element.innerHTML="This is a test function from "+data.name; element.style.padding="10px"; responseHandled(); return false; //Renders the above constructed response } return true; //Renders original convokraft response }


If the user’s message doesn’t match with any of the configured actions of your bot, and in that case if you have defined the convokraft.handleMissed() hook in your web application’s global scope, then ConvoKraft would display the custom response as rendered through this hook.


convokraft.handleMissed = function(element, responseHandled, fromHistory, fromPagination) { //Enter the logic of the element which will be rendered as convokraft's response }

The following table describes the syntax elements and their descriptions :

Element Description
element It holds ConvoKraft's custom reply element that will be displayed in the chat window.
responseHandled This is a mandatory callback function, which helps the bot to know that DOM operations are complete and it can scroll the chat div to top.
fromHistory This key contains a boolean value that represents whether the current message being constructed is from the current session or any past sessions.
fromPagination This key contains a boolean value that represents whether the current message being constructed is a message after a pagination call. If true, it is not advisable to call responseHandled(), so that messages don't scroll all the way down.

Sample code

convokraft.handleMissed= function(element,responseHandled,fromHistory){ element.innerHTML = "Sorry! Not found!"; responseHandled(); return false; }


If any API error occurs while executing an action, you can use this hook to display a custom error response by defining convokraft.handleError in your Catalyst web application’s global scope.


convokraft.handleError = function(element, responseHandled, fromHistory, fromPagination) { //Enter logic to customize error message }

The following table describes the syntax elements and their descriptions :

Element Description
element It holds ConvoKraft's custom reply element that will be displayed in the chat window.
responseHandled This is a mandatory callback function, which helps the bot to know that DOM operations are complete and it can scroll the chat div to top.
fromHistory This key contains a boolean value that represents whether the current message being constructed is from the current session or any past sessions.
fromPagination This key contains a boolean value that represents whether the current message being constructed is a message after a pagination call. If true, it is not advisable to call responseHandled(), so that messages don't scroll all the way down.

Sample code

convokraft.handleError= function(element,responseHandled){ if(typeof data !== "undefined"){ messageString = data.data.code; } else{ messageString = "Api Error!"; } element.innerHTML = "Sorry! "+messageString+""; responseHandled(); }


This hook enables the user to minimize or maximize the chat window when clicked on its header.


convokraft.minimizeChat=function() { //obtain your chat div and apply minimize animation and styles as you need }

Sample code

convokraft.minimizeChat=function() { if(document.getElementById("zdivid").style.marginBottom=="-400px"||document.getElementById("zdivid").style.marginBottom=="") { document.getElementById("zdivid").style.marginBottom="-0px"; } else { document.getElementById("zdivid").style.marginBottom="-400px"; } }


This hook is used to notify the Catalyst web application that the chat is loaded completely.


convokraft.didConnect=function() { //Enter logic here }

Sample code

convokraft.didConnect=function() { var loadingDiv=document.getElementById("loadingDiv"); if(loadingDiv) { loadingDiv.style.display='none'; } }


If there is no history of chat, then the onboarding screen would be displayed by default. This hook can be defined in the global scope of your web application in order to customize the ConvoKraft bot’s onboarding screen as per your requirements.


convokraft.setOnBoarding=function(element,sentences,placeholders) { //construct HTML and styles as per your need and push it to the element }

The following table explains the syntax elements and their descriptions :

Element Description
element It holds the HTML element that needs to be customized.
sentences It holds the sample sentences of that particular action.
placeholders It is an array of strings that can be used to hold different parameters for sentences displayed in the onboarding screen

Sample code

convokraft.setOnBoarding=function(element,sentences,placeholders) { var html="This is a custom onboarding screen by client app and here are the list of sentences:"; sentences.forEach(function(item) { html+=""+item+""; }) html+=""; element.innerHTML=html; element.style.padding="10px"; }


This hook is used to customize the onboarding sentences or action suggestions that appear when you open a ConvoKraft chat window. By default, the chat window displays the suggestions based on the configured sample sentences of the ConvoKraft actions. An array of objects can be passed in the JSON format as arguments to this hook as listed below. Also note that with the help of sentences in the JSON, different values for placeholders can be set and returned.

[ { "id": "1", "sentence": "Apply leave for {{fromdate}} and {{todate}}", "actual_sentence": "Apply leave for today and tomorrow" }, { "id": "2", "sentence": "What is the {{property}} of {{country}}?", "actual_sentence": "What is the capital of India?" } ] //Filter or modify the sentences to be shown in the onboarding screen


convokraft.setOnBoardingSentences=function(sentences) { //define the HTML and styles as per your need and push it to the elemen }

Sample code

convokraft.setOnBoardingSentences=function(sentences) { sentences.splice(0,8); return sentences; }
  • This hook will be considered only when setOnBoarding hook is not applied.
  • If you want custom sentences in setOnBoarding hook, apply the same process for sentences in the setOnBoarding hook.


This hook is used to get the custom client session data of your Catalyst web application. Please make sure to define it in your Catalyst web application’s global scope for Convokraft to access it.


convokraft.setClientSessionData=function() { //return a JSON Object }

Sample Code

convokraft.setClientSessionData=function() { return { portal_name: "zylker", ui_version: "2.0" } }
  • Please make sure to return the session data as a JSON object.
  • When you use a Deluge function, the JSON data that is returned from this handle can be obtained using sessionData.set(“client_data”).


This hook is used to define the operations to be performed after uploading a file. If the chosen development platform is Deluge or Function, then the file will be uploaded in the Catalyst cloud environment. In case of Webhooks, you will need to define your own file path in the file attribute. You can configure the respective messages in the onSucces and onFailure callback arguments, based on your specific requirements.


convokraft.handleUpload = function(input){ //do whatever you want to to the element which will be rendered as convokraft's response }

The following attributes are supported for this hook:

Attribute Name Usage
sessionId The ID of current transcript session.
param The param information of current prompt like param name, type and prompt message.
file The file object provided by user.
action The current conversation's action namespace.
bot The current conversation's bot namespace.
onSuccess The mandatory call back that accepts file ID as input.
onProgressChange The mandatory call back that accepts calculated upload percentage as parameter. This should be called as and when the upload percentage changes. If the upload is complete, please set percentage to 100 and a message to show success state such as onProgressChange(100,“File upload completed”);
onFailure The mandatory call back that accepts string input with a message stating the reason for upload failure.

Sample Code

convokraft.handleUpload=function(uploadObject){ let percentage = 20; let onSuccess = uploadObject.onSuccess; let onFailure = uploadObject.onFailure; var percentageInterval = setInterval(function() { if(percentage === 100){ clearInterval(percerntageInterval); uploadObject.updateProgress(100,"Your file is being processed. Please wait..."); setTimeout(function() { if(zia.fileUploadCount > 1){ onSuccess((Date.now()).toString()); } else{ onFailure("Your file is over 2MB. Please upload a file of less size."); } }, 5000); return; } percentage+=20; uploadObject.onProgressChange(percentage); }, 500); }


This hook is used to modify the welcome message (the first message displayed in the chat session). This hook can be used when you need to customize only the UI. If you need a backend logic to be executed to display the welcome message, then use the welcome message handler function.


convokraft.handleWelcome = function(config){ //do whatever you want to to the element which will be rendered as convokraft's response }

Sample Code

convokraft.handleWelcome = function(config) { config.element.innerHTML = `Hello Guest! Here are few things I can do for you. <div class='suggestion'>Raise a ticket</div> <div class='suggestion'>List my inventory and assets</div>`; }

Last Updated 2023-07-26 17:07:45 +0530 +0530