Usage Stats

When a bot receives an input message, it either invokes the action as a response or fails to understand the message in the first place. The initiated action may also have been stopped by the user in the middle of the conversation or failed due to some technical issues. The Usage Stats tab provides an analysis of the bot’s usage, and also drills down the count at the action level.

Invocations By Action

Broadly, the usage stats report classifies the count of all messages processed by a Convokraft bot into the following categories:

  • Responded With Actions : Number of invocations that were responded by the configured actions of the bot.
  • Responded By ConvoKraft : Number of invocations that were responded by configured handlers of the bot.
  • Missed To Understand : Number of invocations that were not understood by the bot.

The number of invocations responded with actions is further classified based on the actions that are invoked. Every action’s total invocation count is further split into three categories :

  • COMPLETED - Number of invocations in which the action is completed successfully.
  • CANCELLED - Number of invocations in which the action is cancelled in the middle of the conversation.
  • FAILED - Number of invocations in which the action has failed due to technical issues in your business logic.


  1. The Usage stats tab will be visible only when you deploy your bot to production.

  2. You can view the usage stats for various time periods and also sort it based on any of the columns.

Last Updated 2023-12-14 16:25:23 +0530 +0530