Create a Table

Let’s now create a table in the Data Store of the AlienCity project. This table is used to store records of city names where aliens were sighted.

To create a table:

  1. Navigate to Data Store under Develop.

  2. Click Create a new Table.

  3. Enter the table’s name as “AlienCity” and click Create.

Note: Ensure that you enter the name exactly as instructed, because the application's code contains the same name.

The table is now created and displayed in the Data Store page.

Next, let’s create a column to store the names of the cities.

  1. Click New Column in the Schema View section for the table.

  2. Enter the column’s name as “CityName”. Select the data type as Var Char and enter the max length as “100”. Click the Is Unique toggle switch to enable it.

You can learn about the various data types supported by Catalyst, as well as the other properties of a column, from the Data Store help page.

Note: Ensure that you enter the name exactly as instructed, because the application's code contains the same name.
  1. Click Create.

The column is now created and listed in the Schema View section.



Data Store