Create Custom modules in CRM

Modules in Zoho CRM, let you categorize and track various aspects of your business. We will be creating two custom modules namely EcomProducts and Orders for storing the product inventory and the orders placed respectively. You can learn more about custom modules from the CRM documentation.

To create a custom module in CRM, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Zoho CRM account.

  2. Click Setup in the top right corner of the dashboard as shown in the screenshot below, and under the Customization section, click Modules and Fields.


  1. Click New Module.



This module is used to store the details of various products available in the ecommerce online store. Please make sure to add the fields given below for the EcomProducts custom module.

Field Name Type
EcomProductName Single Line
Product_image URL
Price Number
Inventory Count Number
EcomProduct Owner Lookup
You can simply drag and drop the field type to add a new field.


After you add the fields, click Save.

Provide the module name as “EcomProducts” and select the module permission as Administrator as shown in the screenshot below.


You can create any number of products by adding them as records in the module. Click on Create EcomProduct and provide the details for the fields, and click Save.


The products created under EcomProduct module will be listed as shown in the screenshot below.



This module is created to store the order details of your ecommerce online store. Create this new module similarly mentioned before and name it “Orders”. You can then configure the fields listed below for this custom module :

Field Name Type
Order Name Single Line
Contact_No Phone
Product_Name Single Line
OrderID Single Line
Price Number
Expected_Delivery_Date Single Line
Delivery_Address Multi Line
Order Owner Lookup
Email Opt Out Checkbox
Order_Status Single Line
Product_Image Image Upload
product_image_url URL

Whenever the user places an order, by conversing with the bot an entry will be automatically made in this module, i.e., the record will be created.


The record details will look like this :


Note : Please make sure you use the exact same names for the fields, as we have used them in our bot's business logic.

Last Updated 2023-12-15 18:54:08 +0530 +0530


CRM Custom Modules