Configure the Advanced I/O Function
Let’s begin coding the Alien City application by configuring the function component.
The Python function directory (functions/alien_city_function) contains the following files:
The main function file
The catalyst-config.json configuration file
The requirements.txt file to mention any external libraries that you might add.
You will be adding code in the main function file.
The two APIs in the Advanced I/O function that handle the routing between the server and the Data Store are:
GET /alien: To check whether aliens are present in a city
POST /alien: To report an alien presence in a city
Let’s now add the code in the function file.
Copy the code given below and paste it in the in the functions/alien_city_function directory of your project, and save the file. You can use any IDE of your choice to work with the application’s files.
import json import zcatalyst_sdk import logging from flask import Request, make_response, jsonify tableName = 'AlienCity' # The table created in the Data Store columnName = 'CityName' # The column created in the table def handler(request: Request): try: app = zcatalyst_sdk.initialize() # Initializing Catalyst SDK logger = logging.getLogger() if request.path == "/alien" and request.method == 'POST': # The POST API that reports the alien encounter for a particular city req_data = request.get_json() name = req_data.get('city_name') rowid = getAlienCountFromCatalystDataStore(name) # Queries the Catalyst Data Store table and checks whether a row is present for the given city if len(rowid) == 0: # If the row is not present, then a new row is inserted"Alien alert!") # Written to the logs. You can view this log from Logs under the Monitor section in the console datastore_service = app.datastore() table_service = datastore_service.table(tableName) row_data = { columnName:name } table_service.insert_row(row_data) # Inserts the city name as a row in the Catalyst Data Store table response = make_response(jsonify({ "message": "Thanks for reporting!" }), 200) else: # If the row is present, then a message is sent indicating duplication response = make_response(jsonify({ "message": "Looks like you are not the first person to encounter aliens in this city! Someone has already reported an alien encounter here!" }), 200) return response elif request.path == "/alien" and request.method == 'GET': # The GET API that checks the table for an alien encounter in that city name = request.args.get('city_name') rowid = getAlienCountFromCatalystDataStore(name) # Queries the Catalyst Data Store table and checks whether a row is present for the given city if len(rowid) == 0: response = make_response({ "message": "Hurray! No alien encounters in this city yet!", "signal": "negative" }, 200) else: response = make_response(jsonify({ "message": "Uh oh! Looks like there are aliens in this city!", "signal": "positive" }), 200) return response else: response = make_response("Error. Invalid Request") response.status_code = 404 return response except Exception as err: # Sends an error response logger.error(f"Exception in AlienCityAIO :{err}") response = make_response(jsonify({ "error": "Internal server error occurred. Please try again in some time." }), 500) return response def getAlienCountFromCatalystDataStore(cityname): # Checks whether an alien encounter is already reported for the given city by querying the Data Store table app = zcatalyst_sdk.initialize() zcql_service = app.zcql() query = f"SELECT * FROM {tableName} WHERE {columnName} = '{cityname}'" output = zcql_service.execute_query(query) return output
The Advanced I/O function is now configured. We will discuss the architecture of the function and the client in the next section.
Last Updated 2024-10-22 16:44:11 +0530 +0530