Configure Email Templates

First, let’s configure the templates of the user verification and password reset emails in the console.

Catalyst provides default templates for these emails. It also enables you to insert placeholders in the template for variables that will contain dynamic values. We will customize these default templates to suit our needs.

To configure the email template for the user verification email in the console:

  1. Navigate to Authentication under Develop, and click the Email Templates tab.


  1. Click Edit in the Email Verification tab to edit the default template.


Note: The sender's email address is the email you have registered your Catalyst account with.
  1. Paste the following content in the email’s Message section:
<center> <h1> Welcome to %APP_NAME%</h1> <h3>Kindly verify your account before you can start using %APP_NAME% Application</h3> <h4>Kindly click<a href='%LINK%'> here</a> to join our Application</h4> </center> <p>If the above URL does not work, kindly copy the below link to your browser tab</p> <h5>%LINK%</h5> <h4>If you didn’t ask to join the application, you can ignore this email.</h4> <h4>Thanks,</h4> <h4>%APP_NAME% team</h4>
  1. Click Save.


Now, let’s configure the password reset email template in a similar fashion:

  1. Click the Password Reset tab, then click Edit. catalyst_authenticationapp_reset_edit

  2. Paste the following content in the email’s Message section:

<center> <h1>Password Reset Mail</h1> </center> <h4>Hello,</h4> <h4>Click <a href='%LINK%'>here</a> to reset your %APP_NAME% password for your %EMAIL% account.</h4> <p>If the above link does not work, kindly copy the below link to your browser tab</p> <p><a href='%LINK%'>%LINK%</a></p> <p>If you didn’t ask to reset your password, kindly report immediately to <a></a></p> <h3>Thanks,</h3> <h3>%APP_NAME% team</h3>
  1. Click Save. catalyst_authenticationapp_reset_edit_2

The email templates for user verification and password emails are now configured. The emails sent to the users from Authentication app will now be sent based on these templates.

Last Updated 2023-05-10 13:52:27 +0530 +0530


Email Templates